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Tuis> Projekte> CNC-bewerking> Draai-frees-saamgestelde bewerking
Draai-frees-saamgestelde bewerking

Op soek na 'n betroubare, vinnige draai-verskaffer van Draai-frees-saamgestelde bewerking ? Ons ongeëwenaarde interne kapasiteit verseker met u honderde CNC-masjiene dat u onderdele elke keer betyds versend word. In Katio is ons ISO 9001-gesertifiseerde CNC-bewerkingsfasiliteite ontwerp vir vinnige prototipering en die vervaardiging van eindgebruikskomponente met 'n lae volume.

Turning-Milling  compound machine tools are the fastest growing and most widely used CNC equipment among compound processing machine tools. Compounding machine tools is one of the important directions for the development of machine tools. Compound machine tools include car-milling compound, car-milling compound, milling-mill compound, cutting and 3D printing compound, cutting and ultrasonic vibration compound, laser and stamping compound, and other forms. Functionality, can complete multiple tasks at one time, improve machining efficiency and precision
