
الصفحة الرئيسية> مدونة> أهم النصائح من قبل الموردين حقن صب لتقليل التكلفة لكل وحدة

أهم النصائح من قبل الموردين حقن صب لتقليل التكلفة لكل وحدة

2020-06-30 هكت

موردو قوالب الحقن: نصائح فعالة لتقليل التكلفة

يعتبر قولبة الحقن طريقة ممتازة لإنشاء أجزاء أو مكونات فعالة من حيث التكلفة ، بشرط أن تقوم بالإنتاج بالجملة. يقدم موردو قوالب الحقن بعض النصائح التي من شأنها أن تساعد في زيادة ميزانيتك بشكل أكبر.

يرغب الجميع في الحصول على نفس المنتج بسعر أرخص. وهذا ينطبق أيضًا على صناعة القوالب. إذا كنت مهتمًا حقًا بتقليل التكلفة الإجمالية لتصنيع القوالب ، فقد وصلت إلى المكان الصحيح.

In this article, we are going to talk about some design recommendations that would reduce the cost of the entire molding process significantly. So, without any further delay, let us get started!

Also, have a look at the Injection Moulding Fields of Application in the Industry.

Injection Moulding Suppliers

Injection Moulding Suppliers – Design Tips to Reduce Cost

The obvious way to reduce the price per unit is to increase the production quantity in injection moulding. After all, it is the upfront cost that is high, but once the machines are in place, everything is inexpensive. Higher the number of production units, the lesser the cost per unit would be.

But what if your product does not require more than a handful of components or parts. Let’s say, you just need 25 pieces. Getting this manufactured would cost your hundreds if not thousands of dollars. So, do you think to pay that much for just 25 pieces is worth it?

We don’t! Therefore, we suggest opting for cost-effective molds for small production quality.

How much would Injection Molding Cost?

There are several factors that affect the cost of the injection molding technique. The amount of time that it would take to produce a tool, is the main determinant of the molding cost. In simple words, we can say that if a part is complex, it would take more time to create it, thus the cost would be higher.

Simple parts that do not require advance surface finishes or undercuts, would be most inexpensive.

ملحوظة: يمكن للقطع السيئة أن تعقد الأمور في بعض الحالات ، سيمنعون حتى طرد الأجزاء. لذلك ، من الأفضل القضاء عليها.

تحتاج أيضًا إلى الاهتمام بالمواد التي تخطط لاستخدامها. سيكون لها تأثير مباشر على سعر الوحدة. هناك بعض اللدائن التي يسهل تشكيلها مقارنة بالآخرين. وبالمثل ، تتداخل بعض المواد البلاستيكية في الوظائف والقوة.

الخيار الجيد هو استخدام مادة يسهل تشكيلها لأنها ستخفض تكلفة كل جزء.

لذلك ، إليك تصميم القولبة بالحقن التي ستساعد في زيادة سعر التصنيع.

  • القضاء على Undercuts
  • إزالة الميزات غير الضرورية
  • دمج نهج التجويف الأساسي
  • تقليل المظهر التجميلي
  • أجزاء التصميم (التزاوج الذاتي)
  • تغيير وإعادة استخدام القوالب
  • تحليل سوق دبي المالي
  • حجم الجزء
  • أوفيرمولدنج


Undercuts can lead to the prevention of part ejection as well as it complicates the features. Therefore, avoiding them can reduce the complexity along with the price per unit. We do understand that in some cases it might not be possible.

But, always search for alternatives before you incorporate undercuts. For instance, if you require a side action, pick out, or a sliding shutoff, what are you to do? Try using different alternatives. You can choose the pass-through cores and the sliding shutoffs.

You can also change the draft angels as well as the parting lines to ensure smoother mold building. These are small, yet important design changes. They would have a significant impact on the price per unit as they would decrease the machine cycle time.

NOTE: A cost-effective technique for ribbed surfaces and molding tall walls is using the core cavity.

Injection Moulding Suppliers Suggest Removing Unnecessary Features

There is no denying that company logos, molded part number and textured surfaces look smart. However, they also increase the price dramatically. If it is not a necessity, you should not have it, especially with low volume production.

Eliminate all non-mission critical features. In case, you really need to have the permanent part number, try using the mill-friendly font. For example, go with Verdana, Arial, etc. You can ask your injection moulding suppliers as to which font do, they prefer.

دمج نهج التجويف الأساسي

If you require box-shaped parts such as the common home electronics, you have two options. Either can you use bring the aluminum material down around the core and then mold the required part around it. Or, you have the option of sinking the wall cavities into the mould base.

The former approach is the core cavity approach. It is inexpensive to the other approach. In addition, the core cavity approach ensures adequate venting, smoother surfaces, and improved ejection.

Reduce Cosmetic Appearance

Pretty Parts look good, but they would add more to the cost. The EDM, bead blasting, or the high molding polish would no doubt make the parts look smart, but they would drive up the tooling cost. If you need anything above the machine finish (PM-F0) it would require hand finish.

Thus, additional labor costs, as well as machine time. It is also important to let the suppliers know whether you want half, full, or a certain area of the mold polished. If you polish only the required area, it would cut down the cost.

Self-Mating Parts

If you require a design that snaps-together, it is better to go with one mating part instead of two. Try building mating parts that have the ability to fit each other from either direction. These parts are generally called the Universal parts.

Doing this would eliminate the need for an additional mold. You would need one mould to create the entire product. Thus, saving you the upfront productional expense.

Molds Mods

Taking out metal from the exiting metal mold is easy. However, working with metal would be extremely difficult with rapid injection molding. Therefore, you can go with plastic. Do remember, you can add plastic, but it is not possible to take it away.

So, design while keeping this in your mind. Some of the injection moulding parts would go through several iterations before you finalize the design. Opting for a new mold every time is not a cost-effective solution.

Therefore, you need to design smartly. You should be able to use the mold over and over again. A good idea is to start with the basic part design mold. Then once you go on, add re0machine the mould to incorporate additional features.

تحليل سوق دبي المالي

Good لموردي القولبة بالحقن would accompany every injection mould part’s quote with a design for manufacturing analysis. It would high the possible problematic areas as well as the ways via which you can improve your design.

Few examples where you need to improve your part design include impossible geometries, un-machinable features, etc. Pay close heed to the suggestions as they will not only improve the design quality but also reduce the overall cost per unit.

حجم الجزء

You need to pay close attention to the part extents. It basically means the size of your part and who well will it fit the mold. Would it allow for ejector pins, runners, sprues, and other similar considerations that are required for the mold to be operational?

يجب أن تطلب من موردي قولبة الحقن مزيدًا من التفاصيل حول أحجام الأجزاء. سوف يوفرون لك الحد الأقصى والحد الأدنى لمتطلبات حجم الجزء.


Overmoulding هو جانب آخر يمكن أن يساعدك على تقليل الإنتاج لكل وحدة تكلفة. ومع ذلك ، ضع في اعتبارك أنه سيكلفك أكثر مقدمًا. على سبيل المثال ، تريد أن يكون لديك حشية فوق الجزء الخاص بك.

إذا لم تقم بإضافة الحشية مقدمًا ، فستكلفك عملية الصب أقل. ومع ذلك ، عندما يكون لديك شخص آخر لتثبيته بشكل فردي ، فسوف يكلفك ذلك أكثر. لذا ، فإن الفكرة الأفضل هي دفع التكلفة الأولية للحشية من خلال دمجها في عملية التشكيل.

للحصول على نتيجة أكثر فعالية ، تعرف على 10 خطوات مهمة للقولبة.

Injection Moulding Suppliers in china


يعتبر قولبة الحقن طريقة فعالة وذات تكلفة فعالة لإنتاج الأجزاء والمكونات ، خاصة للإنتاج بالجملة. ومع ذلك ، قم بتضمين بعض النصائح الفعالة ، فمن الممكن تقليل تكلفة الإنتاج الإجمالية لعدد محدود من القطع.

لمزيد من المعلومات ، يرجى الاتصال.
