
Hogar> Blog > Fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección: Desglose de costos del proceso de moldeo por inyección 

Fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección: Desglose de costos del proceso de moldeo por inyección 

2020-06-30 hqt

Fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección: el desglose de costos

Cuando realiza un pedido con fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección, comprender el factor de cálculo de costos puede ser una tarea abrumadora. Después de todo, hay varios factores que contribuyen a calcular el costo exacto por pieza.

Las especificaciones y las velocidades de las piezas o los componentes tienden a definir el precio. Estos atributos le ayudarían a calcular el precio por pieza de la técnica de moldeo por inyección. Puede parecer simple aquí, pero es un poco desafiante.

Por lo tanto, en esta publicación de blog, le facilitaremos las cosas. Le proporcionaremos un desglose completo de todos los factores que afectan el factor de costo en el moldeo por inyección. Entonces, sin más demora, ¡comencemos!

Si está interesado en obtener más información sobre el moldeo por inyección, consulte nuestro artículo: 10 pasos para el diseño de moldes de plástico.

Injection Moulding Products Manufacturers

El desglose del costo a través de los fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección

Precio del molde de inyección

Before we get down to the factorizing the plastics that we plan to create, we first need to focus on the cost of creating an injection mold. Remember, the process of creating an error-free mold requires experience and skill.

The correct mold shape is imperative. After all, it would define the shape of your future parts. The price of the mold greatly depends upon its complexity. It can run anywhere from $1000 to 10 of thousands of dollars.

However, if you require a single cavity mold, you would not have to spend a lot. In case, your objective is to achieve a multi-cavity tool as the part that you plan to the manufacturer is complex, you would have to keep your pockets open.

Furthermore, if you require complex and large tools, along with consistent machine maintenance and thick walls, the price per cost is bound to go open.

Polymer Resin Cost

El termoplástico que utilices para la fabricación de las piezas o componentes tendría un impacto directo en el precio. Será uno de los mayores indicadores de precio por pieza. Así que sé prudente.

Por ejemplo, si usa una resina de ingeniería en lugar de la resina básica, le costaría unos centavos más. Pero luego ofrecería fuerza y ​​robustez. Por lo tanto, si su pieza debe ser de alta calidad, debe pagar unos centavos extra y optar por las resinas de ingeniería.

Otra forma de reducir el costo de la resina es utilizar las que se crean a partir de plásticos reciclados. Debería consultar con los fabricantes de productos de moldeo por inyección si ofrecen ese tipo de resinas para la creación de componentes.

Mano de obra de moldeo por inyección

One of the greatest things about the injection molding technique is that it has low labor costs. The reason being, most of the procedure is automated. Most of the machines are either self-equipped or they are automatic.

Once the process starts, there are little or almost no input from a human. The lack of human interface decreases the cost significantly. Nonetheless, there still is labor, and below are the factors that are important when calculating the labor cost of the injection moulding process.


Sometimes, manufacturers turn to offshore tooling. Since several developing countries offer extremely cheap labor. However, these labor rates are subject to an increase in the growing economy of the country.

Likewise, the shipping rates can be high in some countries in comparison to others. You need to consider all these aspects as well.

Equipment Type

Since every injection moulding machine is not the same, thus it requires a different type of maintenance. For instance, the electric hybrid machines require less maintenance in comparison to the hydraulic machines.

Additional Services

In case, your parts require tool relocation, or you need the injection moulding products manufacturers to create a prototype before getting down the to mass production. This will increase the initial labor cost.

Machine Time Required

From a manufacturer’s point of view, time is money. So, if a machine cycle takes long, it means the manufacturer would spend more time on its maintenance. In addition, the machine would consume more energy.

All this would eventually have an impact on the price of every part. Therefore, you need to understand all the factors that would influence the time required for the machine to complete your order.

Type of Mold

The type of mold you choose would have an impact of the machine time. For instance, if you go with a single part mold, it would cost you less initially. However, it would take more time for the parts that you make per cycle.

However, with multi-part mold, you would pay the extra upfront cost, but it would decrease the overall time required to complete one machine cycle, thus reducing the cost in general.

Part Complexity

The complexity of the part also has an impact on the machine cycle. A dense part that requires thick walls and has complex geometry would take more time instead of a less complex and think component.

Setup Time

It is the time that you would need to mold the mould into the machine. There would be an increase in cost per pat if there is precycling the process.

Injection Moulding Products Manufacturers Cost Calculation: Example

Let us take an example to make things easier for you. Before that, focus on the following aspects.

Hourly costs include the facility location as well as the part’s size.

For larger parts, higher injection molding is required, and vice versa. Higher pressure means an expensive machine.

So, now let’s see how the cost is calculated!

Below are the part measurements.

Weight = 50 grams

Part Size= 200 x 200 x 4 (Everything is in millimeter)

Estamos imaginando la parte de uno grande. Por lo tanto, necesitaría una máquina de moldeo cara. Pagaría más por los gránulos de acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno o polietileno de alta densidad. En el caso del material, estaríamos utilizando el material estándar común.

Para calcular el costo, siga los pasos a continuación.

  1. Tome los costos de herramientas más el costo del material.
  2. Ahora divida el valor de arriba por el costo por hora más el número de piezas.
  3. Divida la respuesta por el tiempo de producción.

Ahora agregue los valores en el pseudocódigo anterior.

Costo del molde = $ 30, 000

Tiempo de ciclo = 80 segundos

Costo del pellet = $ 10 / kg

Piezas fabricadas = 45 por hora

Mano de obra y uso de la máquina = $ 30 por hora.

Los volúmenes afectan el costo de producción

There is an effective way to reduce the cost per part while using injection molding: mass production. For instance, if you require more than 20,000 units, each unit would cost you less. Instead of costing you $30, it would cost you $2.

However, keeping all the specifications the same, but reducing the unit number, let’s say 1,000 units would cost you around $30 each.

Injection Moulding Products Manufacturers offer Additional Benefits

When it comes to injection molding, you can enjoy the following benefits.

  • Variety in terms of material
  • You can customize the design of the parts to ensure that they meet your product requirement.
  • The process offers a fast production cycle. Most cycles are less than 60 seconds.
  • Though the smart up cost is high for small scale production, but for mass production, it is the most inexpensive molding technique.
  • It has a good turn around time even for complex parts or components.

Injection Moulding Products Manufacturers in china

Injection Moulding Products Manufacturers Overview

It is important to take your time when calculating the cost of injection molding. Another thing to remember is that service charges vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, always ask the injection molding products manufacturers before you sit down to calculate the price.

Moreover, you need to review your design. Try eliminating unwanted complexities as that would increase the price per unit. A simple design would cost you less.

En caso de que no pueda calcular el precio o tenga una salida fácil. No hay problema, permítanos , brindarle un presupuesto. Puede hacernos saber su especificación y le proporcionaremos la información completa sobre cuánto le costaría.

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