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Top 10 des idées cadeaux de services d'impression 3D pour Noël

2020-09-25 hqt

Qu'est-ce que l'impression 3D: comment prend-elle en charge le prototypage?

3d printing service company

Le  service d'impression 3D  est un sujet qui, de plus en plus, occupera une place dans l'actualité et dans leur propre vie, à la fois personnelle et professionnelle.

Cette technique, qui semblait intégrer un futur lointain il y a quelques années, est devenue présente dans la routine des gouvernements, des entreprises et même des gens ordinaires.

De petits objets, prothèses, organes et même bâtiments, ils ont acquis, en prototypage rapide, un nouveau mode de production.

At the same time, new opportunities arise for different sectors, such as civil construction and medicine, which have access to materials in a faster and simpler way.

If you want to know more about how three-dimensional model service d'impression 3D , materials and examples work, keep reading this article.

Different 3d printing service techniques

We will explain the different techniques available, their applications and cases in which they already make a difference.

If you wish, browse the following topics:

  • How much does a 3D printing cost?
  • How long does it take to print in 3D?
  • What are the main materials used in 3D printing?
  • Examples of 3D printing applications
    • Médicament
    • Ingénierie
    • Industry
    • Robotics

What is 3D printing?

service d'impression 3D is the name given to a series of techniques that reproduce objects in three dimensions.

Also called rapid prototyping, the process allows the printing of models through additive manufacturing.

In other words, the printers form three-dimensional models using a technique that superimposes thin layers, until the object is ready.

Machine parts, decorative objects, jewelry, organs and even food can be printed from this process.

In general, items are made using some types of plastic as a raw material, but it is also possible to use other materials, including metal.

Major 3d printing service industries

Les service d'impression 3D has revolutionized industries such as medicine and engineering, in addition to being useful for those who want to undertake from an invention.

3d printing service 2020

That’s because the process has shortened the path to reaching a trial version of any product, called a prototype.

Previously, it was necessary to idealize, design the object and develop a project for the prototype to be built.

With a 3D printer, just draw the item in specific software and convert the file to a format compatible with the machine to obtain a prototype.

Of course, the use of the software requires some technical knowledge, however, the dynamics became much simpler.

Depending on the desired article and the 3D printing process, it is also necessary to finish the piece.

What is 3d printing service for?

les services d'impression 3D to build several personalized objects, in an agile and relatively simple way.

After being prototyped, the pieces become real from this process, including details such as cracks, shapes and colors.


Due to its versatile character, prototypage rapide serves a variety of purposes.

The most common is the printing of a single article, designed for use by a person or a small group.

This is the case with stationery items, such as pen holders, and decorative items, such as different frames, lamps and key chains.

But the process has been gaining popularity in the industry, where it assists in the replacement of parts, which are produced on demand and at a lower cost than if they were manufactured using traditional dynamics.

Depending on the material used, service d'impression 3D can print even furniture, tattoos and prostheses.

How does 3d printing service work?

Just like a regular printer, which releases ink jets in specific quantities and formats to form images and letters, the 3D printer injects different materials to compose an object.


The difference is that, instead of paper, modern machines print items on a tray.

Major 3d printing service software

As we explained in the previous topics, it all starts with the design of the part using 3D modeling software, such as AutoCad and Blender.

There are different types of software, usually aimed at the sector of the product that will be printed – construction, stationery, medicine and so on.

Then, with the drawing in hand, the raw material is inserted into the printer, which is turned on and begins to expel the first layer in the tray.

Autrement dit, au lieu de partir d'une grande pièce qui sera coupée et moulée, la dynamique assemble les articles en joignant de petites pièces et des couches de matériau.

Le processus commence toujours de bas en haut, avec l'impression d'une couche à la fois, et peut durer de quelques minutes à quelques jours.

Meilleur service d'impression 3D Cadeaux de Noël sympas à acheter en 2021

Oui c'est vrai, on est déjà en décembre et la première chose qui me vient à l'esprit est la période des fêtes. En plus de l'esprit de Noël, des cadeaux et de la nourriture abondante, avec une imprimante 3D, vous pouvez rendre Noël plus complet!

Nous avons séparé une liste de 10 objets très cool en utilisant le service d'impression 3D  pour un temps très spécial!

1 - Mario Star;

How about making your tree gamer? Just print this on the nostalgic star of Nintendo’s Mario games and give all your Christmas tree power! In a pixelated format, it has a hole at the bottom to fit the tip of the tree.

2- Snowman

You can get 3d printing service for a nice little doll to make that Christmas atmosphere.

3 – Cookie cutter

Who doesn’t like Christmas cookies? How about printing some cookie cutters in the shape of a doll and several other Christmas figures.

4 – Christmas tree ornaments

This tip will save you some money! This season, Christmas ornaments will have the highest price, but nothing to fear for those who have a 3D printer.

5 – Mini Christmas Tree

To put on the office desk, shelf or give as a gift to someone.

6 – Pinheirinhos Glasses

Si vous faites partie de ceux qui sont très excités pour Noël, arrivez déjà en portant ceci:

7 - Renne!

Aidez le Père Noël en imprimant plusieurs rennes pour tirer le traîneau.

8 - Couronne

Présent dans la plupart des foyers durant le mois de décembre, la couronne est l'un des symboles de Noël les plus connus.

9 - Boîte de cartes-cadeaux

De nombreuses personnes préfèrent offrir des chèques-cadeaux via un service d'impression 3D . Mais vous pouvez faire bonne impression dans la présentation en imprimant une boîte pour lui

10 - Père Noël

Bien sûr, le Père Noël ne pouvait pas manquer dans cette liste

Vous pouvez obtenir des idées d'impression 3D passionnantes en visitant
