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Qu'est-ce que l'usinage de pièces de rechange automobiles? (Guide du fabricant de pièces automobiles)

2020-10-28 hqt

Qu'est-ce que l'usinage de pièces de rechange automobiles? (Guide du fabricant de pièces automobiles)

auto spare parts machining

Une industrie d'usinage CNC est responsable de la soumission des matières premières à une machine et / ou un outil. Ce matériau gagnera une nouvelle forme et un nouveau polissage nécessaire à une demande. Aujourd'hui, l' usinage de pièces détachées automobiles est en expansion.

Il est donc possible de produire des pièces avec des coupes et des finitions parfaites, sur mesure et entièrement informatisées. En général, une industrie d'usinage CNC peut être un producteur des types de pièces les plus variés pour un énorme marché industriel.

Il est à noter que les processus de moulage au sein d'une industrie d'usinage CNC  peuvent porter avec différents matériaux, qu'il s'agisse de céramiques ou de métaux. La technologie est présente dans l'industrie de l'usinage CNC de plusieurs manières. Nous pouvons mettre en évidence les tours CNC. Ils ont subi une amélioration du processus industriel et des machines fonctionnant avec des commandes numériques informatisées.

Ils sont toujours sous le contrôle des travailleurs. Mais ils optimisent le service et garantissent une grande précision lors du moulage.

Comment fonctionne l'usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques CNC?

In a simple way, CNC usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques takes place through a machine. It runs through some number commands. These are a manufacturing process that uses computers to automate machines and tools in all stages of production. And it can include tools according to with the need. In addition, there are several machining processes, among them are:

  • Sawmill
  • Planning
  • Turning
  • Milling

In general, it can be said that usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques are parts develop through an automated manufacturing process. It goes through numerical commands.


Parts in the machining of cnc parts come from a combination of software and hardware. It is a combination that sets to perform the operation of both machines and tools. Such as:

  • milling machines
  • lathes or
  • machining centers

Lathe for CNC Auto Spare Parts Machining

In general, it is possible to state that a lathe for machining cnc parts should perform well on the most varied parts. Moreover, it provides them with a better finish. All parts develop using a computer, providing greater precision and control for the machining process of each part.

Advantages of CNC Parts Machining

The biggest reason for looking for cnc usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques is the one that all companies want: cost-effective. This is because it increases the volume of production and, at the same time, reduces the cost of products. In addition, the parts produced have more quality. They go through a more precise and deeper controllable cutting method.

There are also advantages in terms of production time, as each part starts to be manufactured more quickly. Simple and complex profiles are easier to make, and development devices are accessible. With the model design, time is reduced. Similarly, we can make adjustments more quickly. With a reduced machining time and production of parts, product delivery also happens faster. The industry ends up saving and gaining in productivity.

In addition to being manufactured with greater precision and control, other quite significant advantages presented by all parts machining cnc parts are the quality and speed of production. Furthermore, this technology is making its space in the market. The machining parts of cnc parts are easy to produce now in a very short time. Hence, this time is only around 3 to 4 minutes.


usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques services are services known worldwide for their great potential in presenting small parts and tools. But these parts have complex shapes and designs. However, with the technological advances that this area has managed to achieve, new methods have emerged.

One of them is the machining of CNC parts. Machining of CNC parts is a machining method that can bring many benefits to companies that adopt this type of machine.

A CNC part machining machine will waste a much smaller amount of material and this will save the company financial resources. In addition, the cost cut can also occur due to the employee who is responsible for operating this type of machine, being able to control other machines at the same time, thus causing the company to cut expenses related to hiring.

The machining of CNC parts can offer companies more efficient and more accurate results. Through this modern control, the machine will be able to understand the design specified by the project and reproduce it on the metal block that will be molded through the lathe.

But for us to be able to find a quality company to offer CNC parts machining services, it is very important to do a thorough market research. This research may show, for example:

  • If the company has experienced employees
  • If the company has modern machinery and equipment at its disposal
  • And if the company carries out its activities within all the standards and specifications that the market requires.

Everything you need to know about Auto Spare Parts Machining

Machining processes are very present in industries of all segments, mainly metal mechanics. In these processes, metal parts – cast or forged – are important to shearing processes. This removes material from the part, known as chip.

This removal of material serves to give the desired shape to it. And it can have different purposes such as finishing surfaces or obtaining shapes. Such as:

  • Holes
  • threads and
  • recesses

The human being has been working with metals – mainly gold and copper.  The emergence of the steam engine and later the use of electricity as a driving force in the industry had a major impact on these processes.

Since the 1950s, with the emergence of CNC machines, machining has evolved considerably. Moreover, it has reached to precision in the range of 1 micron (10 -6 m).

In today’s article we will show you everything you need to know to understand usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques processes. Continue reading:

What is Machining Process?

They comprise all manufacturing processes where material removal in the form of chips occurs. Material removal occurs due to interference between the machining tool and the workpiece .

auto spare parts machining Suppliers

Les outils utilisés dans ces processus sont en matériau. Sa dureté et sa résistance sont bien supérieures au matériau de la pièce à usiner. Les copeaux sont assez connus pour leur forme irrégulière.

Les opérations d'usinage industriel donnent une pièce:
  • forme
  • dimensions
  • finition de surface
  • ou même la combinaison de plus d'une de ces options

Matériaux pouvant être usinés

Nous pouvons diviser ces matériaux en deux groupes: métalliques et non métalliques.

En général, les processus d'usinage sont directement pertinents pour les matériaux métalliques tels que:

  • le fer
  • acier et
  • alliages spéciaux

De tels processus sont issus d'un bloc métallique qui prend une forme spécifique par l'usinage lui-même. Ou, le matériau de départ, nous pouvons également oublier l' usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques.  Leurs formes sont déjà définies et nous pouvons les finir par usinage.

Some products present in our daily lives such as contact lenses – intra or extra-ocular – and CDs are the result of machining processes made from non-metallic raw material.

Types of spare parts Operations

Machining processes comprise different operations that have different purposes in the manufacturing processes. Therefore, we read the main ones:


Basically, turning is the oldest process and perhaps even today the most common machining operation. It is a mechanical process to obtain surfaces of revolution with the aid of one or more mono-cutting tools.

In this type of operation, the part rotates around the main axis of rotation of the machine. And the tool moves simultaneously along a coplanar path with the axis. Turning can be straight or curvilinear, as to the shape of its path.


It is a process that occurs by opening one or more helical grooves of uniform pitch. When threading, the workpiece or tool rotates and one of them moves simultaneously along a straight path parallel to the axis of rotation.


It is a mechanical process for obtaining surfaces of revolution with the aid of one or more bar tools. In boring operations, the tool rotates and the workpiece or tool moves simultaneously along a specific path.


It is an abrasion machining process, where the cutting wedge surfaces of the tool are finished.


Generally, the planning is good to obtain ruled surfaces. Such operations come into rough planning to finish planning.


Le brochage est utilisé pour obtenir toutes les surfaces à l'aide d'outils multi-coupants. Dans ce processus, l'outil ou la pièce se déplace le long d'une trajectoire droite, coïncidente ou parallèle à l'axe de l'outil.

auto spare parts machining company


Processus d'usinage par abrasion utilisé pour finir des trous cylindriques révolutionnaires. Dans cette opération, l'outil fonctionne sur des trajectoires hélicoïdales et tous les grains actifs dans l'outil abrasif sont en contact constant avec la surface de la pièce. Lors de l'affûtage, l'outil ou la pièce à usiner peut tourner et se déplacer axialement en mouvement alternatif.

Conclusion de l'usinage des pièces détachées automobiles

Êtes-vous à la recherche du meilleur usinage de pièces de rechange automatiques pour votre usine ou projet commercial? Kaitomould  peut vous aider à fabriquer des pièces détachées automobiles personnalisées.
