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Produttori di prototipazione rapida: futuro della prototipazione rapida

2020-08-31 hqt

La prototipazione rapida è il futuro dell'industria manifatturiera

I produttori d'élite di prototipazione rapida utilizzano la tecnica di prototipazione rapida da oltre 20 anni. Il metodo dimostra di potenziare la rapida innovazione del prodotto. Le tecniche del prototipo sono diventate più efficaci e sofisticate grazie ai progressi nella tecnologia di stampa 3D.

Modern rapid prototyping makes it possible to create prototypes that are not only a replica copy of the final product in terms of look, but they are also fully functional. The manufacturers now are using 3D prototyping for professional printing solutions.

There is no denying that 3D printing us among the most mature form of creating prototypes. Therefore, it has grown very quickly in a limited time. The future of manufacturing relies on rapid prototyping.

The Market Split

According to leading manufacturers, the market is currently divided into two main groups. The first category incorporates the one that has been using 3D printing technology for decades now. These companies fully comprehend the importance and working mechanism of technology.

Hanno la completa conoscenza della logica costi-benefici e dei casi d'uso. Significa che sono pienamente consapevoli dei punti di pareggio e del costo per parti che garantirebbero vantaggi.

Il secondo segmento di mercato compromette le piccole aziende manifatturiere che hanno recentemente adottato la tecnologia di prototipazione rapida. Il loro obiettivo principale è la consegna rapida e l'integrazione dell'integrità della tecnologia nel loro flusso di lavoro.

Il secondo segmento di mercato sta crescendo molto velocemente. Nel periodo compreso tra 12 e 18 mesi, abbiamo assistito a un aumento significativo delle vendite e delle richieste dei nuovi utenti.

Rapid Prototyping Manufacturers

Il costante aumento e l'interesse per la stampa 3D porteranno a un maggiore sviluppo?

The experienced rapid prototyping manufacturers, the main challenge is to print parts that have higher repeatability rate, accuracy, and functionality. While having all these aspects, the parts are aesthetically pleasing as well.

The future is bright for this aspect of the manufacturing field. There would be a constant focus on the areas of research related to 3D systems enhancement and development. More and more big guns are investing to develop a more refined, sophisticated, and efficient 3D printing machine.

The new adopters need to understand that assimilating 3D printing is very easy. Once they are able to assimilate 3D printing in their NPI processes, they will be able to help their business. After all, the main objective of 3D printing systems is to create premium quality, reliable, easy to use, and effective prints using technology that is easy to install.

Current Market Trends

Thanks to technological advancement, we now have new and more sophisticated approaches to 3D printing techniques. We now move towards the decentralizing of 3D printing. Instead of reaching out to a single prototyping manufacturer, getting in the queue, and wait for the turns. People are looking for faster, yet reliable alternatives.

Companies are making it possible for the complimentary group and individual teams to gain access to printers within the vanity of their workspace.  This democratization indicates that more and more people are becoming aware of the technology and they are willing to incorporate it. Thus, resulting in the drive of momentum.

How Rapid Prototyping is Increasing Agility in Manufacturing and Design?

To remain competitive in the market, it is necessary for the manufacturers to come up with upgrades and innovates products while reducing the market time. Previously, it wasn’t a possibility. Since it took weeks or months for a product to enter the market

However, with rapid prototyping, the time frame has shrunk overnight. Thus, allowing more and more products to hit the market within a limited timeframe.

Action Speaks Louder Than Words

There is no denying that the low-risk, high rewarding rapid prototyping technology is and will offer numerous benefits to the manufacturers. Technology is opening new gates of opportunities, even though, it is not being used to its full potential.

For instance, rapid prototyping in the automotive industry is worth $5 billion globally. Around 3,000 newly packed consumer-goods are released every year. Every one of these consumers good would undergo numerous iterations before it hits the market. All this and much more is possible due to the rapid prototyping and 3D printing technology.

Since the shape and the design of consumer packages have a direct impact on customer purchase. Therefore, companies around the globe invest in finding out the right packaging and making the right impression.

For instance, a cosmetics brand is planning to launch a new brand packing. The first step would be to discuss the idea with their packaging manufacturers. In most cases, the packaging manufacturers offer limited packaging options that are developed using either glass-type acrylic or glass itself.

However, in the case of 3D printing, the horizon broadens.  This is highly effective when the manufacturer is using high-end material including the Accura ClearVue, or VisiJet Armor. Both these material lead in the packaging world.

Since the packaging manufacturer now has the ability to offer unique packaging designs and shapes, thus it would allow the consumer to enjoy a more customized experience. The consumers would have a more competitive advantage.

CNC Milled

Le coperture dei fari delle automobili sono un altro ottimo esempio. Vengono creati utilizzando il processo di fresatura CNC . Il produttore utilizza un materiale acrilico, un blocco solido, e lo fresa con una macchina CNC. Anche se il processo produce risultati, ma il volume degli sprechi è estremamente alto.

Inoltre, il tasso di rifiuto è elevato. È come se 2 parti finite su tre non fossero all'altezza. Pertanto, costerebbe al fornitore di più in termini di tempo e denaro.

Rapid Prototyping Manufacturers & Suppliers

Scegliere i produttori di prototipazione rapida

La stampa 3D e la prototipazione rapida riducono notevolmente i tempi di produzione, garantendo al contempo precisione ed efficacia. Offre inoltre una maggiore flessibilità di progettazione e capacità di test delle idee. La tecnologia offre numerosi vantaggi e per utilizzarla al massimo delle sue potenzialità, è necessario disporre del produttore giusto.

Choose a manufacturer that has the experience, and they are able to offer diversity. We, Kaito Mold, offers the best Rapid Prototyping Services.

Contact us today and we will answer all your prototyping related queries.
