
Acasă> Blog > Piese din plastic prototip: Cum se aplică prototipurile din plastic 3D fără erori zero?

Piese din plastic prototip: Cum se aplică prototipurile din plastic 3D fără erori zero?

29-07-2020 hqt

Furnizori de prototipuri de piese din plastic

Cum să evitați cele mai frecvente greșeli de prototipare rapidă din plastic?

Prototype Plastic Parts suppliers in china

Ce este Prototiparea rapidă?

Prototype Plastic Parts este o tehnică de fabricație profesională utilizată pentru a produce un model fizic de înaltă calitate. Are un design tridimensional. Prototipul este util pentru îmbunătățirea designului.

Moreover, it can be used as a stepping stone for comprehensive production tests. With prototipare, you can manufacture parts or products to test for part fit and function.

According to the result of the analysis, the product can be further adjusted. You can do it before finally entering the market.

Prototype Plastic Partscan help save time and cost-effectively. Many of customers need to manufacture the physical part immediately. It is to confirm the design or the possibility of the part.

Nowadays, various types of rapid prototyping processes are available. You can choose the process that best suits your needs. With only 30 years of development, the name means rapid prototyping technology has already been widely used in many regions.

Meanwhile, rapid prototyping services are still growing at top speed.

 What is meant by Prototype Plastic Parts?

Prototipare is a complex, demanding and time-consuming job. As a rule, the execution of such tasks is given to a third-party contractor with extensive experience and a high level of professionalism.


Prototyping is a set of industrial techniques aimed at the physical realization of an object.

Prototype Parts has three phases:

  1. Proiecta
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Testing

At the end, it can then go on to the actual production of the piece.

The prototype, therefore, is the original model. It is normally built in an artisanal. So we can carry remaining process with the Prototype Parts development.

Prototype or Prototype Mold: which option is best for you?

There is progress at the server level for Prototype Parts. what you choose really depends on what you expect to achieve with the real part. For example:

  • Will the plastic part be tested?
  • Must he be “dressed” for a fair?
  • Will it have to meet strict tolerance requirements?

The most common way to make it as rapid prototyping, these options is:

  • SLA
  • Vacumm Casting
  • CNC machining and soft tools

prototip de piese din plastic flexible designing option

Prototype Plastic Partsare always developed for a specific purpose. It can be a matter of trying out a technical idea. Moreover, it can be for checking the customer’s requirement.

This focus on individual aspects helps to keep the costs of producing a plastic prototype low. A plastic prototype with a focus on design will not need a technical interior.

Therefore, a technical prototype does not have to look aesthetic. Similarly, it is often a tangle of cables and circuit boards.

Thus, the role of a prototype is to provide answers to design questions that arise during development. Unfortunately, not all questions can be answered in theory.

Most potential customers’ ability to abstract is limited. In addition, it is why at some point in development people have to give feedback on a real plastic prototype.

De ce Prototype Plastic Parts?

Prototype Plastic Partsare also suitable for communication early in the development phase. Investors or potential customers at trade fairs show great interest in plastic prototype. It is perceived more positively than if he can only talk about his ideas in the abstract.

But why not build the entire end product and get the appropriate feedback? Why the detour via the plastic prototype?
There are multiple reasons for this:

  • It is extremely expensive to manufacture the end product once
  • Not every aspect of the product needs review through feedback

You can already verify individual aspects with a plastic prototype. No matter if others are still unclear at this point.

 are an indispensable part of modern product development. Moreover, they should not be ignored by any producer.

Există diferite tehnici cu care pot fi produse prototipuri din plastic. Imprimarea 3D, în special, a oferit opțiuni simple pentru testarea rapidă a ideilor de produse. În plus, necesită eforturi reduse folosind prototipuri.

Rolul imprimării 3D în prototip de piese din plastic

În imprimarea 3D, prototipul Pieselor din plastic este construit strat cu strat folosind plastic lichid și o duză. Între timp, sunt posibile chiar și obiecte complexe. Datele pentru controlul imprimantei 3D sunt procesate pe un computer și puse la dispoziția imprimantei 3D.


O altă tehnică care a fost încercată și testată de ani de zile este turnarea prin injecție. Acest lucru este mai scump. Deoarece trebuie produse piese turnate. Între timp, însă, tehnologia este atât de matură încât chiar și cantități mici sunt profitabile.

3D printing is particularly suitable for individual prototip de piese din plastic. Similarly, injection molding is useful for the production of medium quantities.

prototip de piese din plastic Benefits

-Reduction of time and costs.

Unfortunately there is the belief that prototyping cannot be used with a very strict and exhaustive deadline. Fortunately, thanks to 3D printing, it was possible to change those who thought in this way.

Plastic Parts through the 3D printer does not slow down the study time of the project. On the contrary, it turned out to be one of the fastest and cheapest prototyping methods.

Thanks to this, the customer has the possibility to anticipate expensive costs. But he can also identify errors or potential disasters in time.

A well-built prototype Parts guarantees quality and durability of the object over time.

Prototype Plastic Parts manufacturers in china

Many customers want to be involved even in the most difficult and complicated system of Plastic Parts. Prototyping favors teamwork. Hence, it allows the customer to be present during all phases of the project.

Thanks to prototyping, the customer can give:

  1. Immediate feedback
  2. request changes or
  3. technical modifications

prototip de piese din plastic Conclusion

The fundamental role of the prototype Plastic Parts is to avoid misunderstandings during the development process.

We support you in the development of your product and the development of Prototype Plastic. It is always important to us that the plastic prototype is developed according to your individual needs.

It is best to consult us early in your product development phase. This enables us to advise you when the best time for the first plastic prototype is.
