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Hersteller von 3D-Prototypen: Ein Leitfaden für Materialempfehlungen

2020-08-31 hqt

Hersteller von 3D-Prototypen: Ein Leitfaden für Materialempfehlungen

Welche Materialien würde ein Hersteller von 3D-Prototypen vorschlagen?

Die Wahl des Materials ist ebenso wichtig wie der Hersteller von 3D-Prototypen. Daher benötigen Sie vollständige Informationen zu den zahlreichen Materialien, die für 3D-Druckdienste verfügbar sind . Jedes Material hat seine eigenen Vorteile und Kosten.

In diesem Artikel werden wir über die verschiedenen verfügbaren Materialien sprechen.

Einführung in verschiedene Fertigungsmaterialien für 3D-Prototypen

While choosing the right material for your product, you will have to consider the following aspects.

3D Prototype Manufacturer company

The Price

This is perhaps the most important phase for you. You need to look for ways to reduce the cost while improving the manufacturing process quality. For instance, if your final part needs to be of metal, creating a prototype with plastic would turn out to be eventful.

Of course, for initial prototypes, you can use plastic as it would cost you less. However, for the later or final prototypes, use the same material as the final product. In this case, it is metal. Instead of going with just one material, we recommend choosing a combination of materials to find the most optimal solution for your prototyping requirements.

Material Quality and Accuracy

The main reason for creating a prototype is to test idea validity and to find errors in it before entering the mass production phase. With a 3D prototype, you can spot the last error in the project. Doing this will give you an excellent overview of your project.

A functional prototype would help identify issues and let you know whether the idea was worth the shot or not. If you are aiming for a complex object or product, that has an elaborate design, you need to focus on the material.

Also, check the 3D printing technique, make sure that it is precise enough to assist you in achieving your goal. It is obvious that you will need to keep the mechanical properties of the material in mind as well. After all, these properties should be compatible with your application.

When you use the right material, and the correct 3D prototyping technique, you will be able to manufacturer a high-quality, accurate, and fully functional object. Some other important questions that would help you choose the correct material include:

  1. It is important for the prototype to have the same weight as that of the final product?
  2. Does the prototype need to be of the same dimensions?
  3. Should it have the same applications?

You need to answer all these questions before you make the final decision.

Material Design Guidelines for 3D Prototype Manufacturer

Since every material has its own guidelines, therefore, you would have to check all these guides to make the right decision. Perhaps this is the reason, why some 3D files are not 3D printable. You need to have complete knowledge as per the geometry and the dimension of the project.

Das Fehlen geeigneter Abmessungen kann zu unterschiedlichen Problemen führen. Wenn sich beispielsweise herausstellt, dass die Wände extrem dünn sind, kann der Drucker sie möglicherweise nicht drucken oder sie können brechen. Dies würde zu kontraproduktiv führen.

Die besten Druckmaterialien

Wir haben das schon einmal gesagt und wir sagen es noch einmal. Die Auswahl Ihres 3D-Druckmaterials konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die Anwendungsanforderungen. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl an Materialien, die ein 3D-Prototypenmanufacturer  bevorzugen würde.

Nylon PA12

Das erste und vielleicht häufigste Material ist das Nylon PA12. Das weiße Material bietet eine Reihe mechanischer Eigenschaften und gewährleistet gleichzeitig den Erschwinglichkeitsfaktor. Das Material ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl sowohl für Produktionen als auch für das Prototyping. Es wird aus einem feinen Polyamidpulver hergestellt.

Hersteller würden die selektive Lasersintertechnologie verwenden, um die gewünschten Komponenten und Teile herzustellen. Mit Nylon PA12 haben Sie auch zahlreiche Optionen in Bezug auf Oberflächen und Endbearbeitung. Wenn Sie jedoch den rohen Look bevorzugen, können Sie sogar die rohen Teile haben.

Um äußerst erschwinglich zu sein, bietet das Nylon PA12 außerdem Freiheit in Bezug auf die Geometrie. Es durchläuft mehrere Iterationen.

Multi-Jet Fusion PA12

Dies ist ein weiteres erstaunliches Material für das Prototyping. Es ist grauer Kunststoff, mit dem Sie auch komplexe und komplizierte Prototypen erstellen können. Das Material ist die perfekte Wahl sowohl für die Produktion als auch für die Herstellung von Prototypen.

The reason being, it is extremely cheap in its raw form. You will be able to make several iterations without adding a lot to your prototype budget. A reliable 3D prototype manufacturer would recommend this product, especially when you are running low on budget, but don’t want to compromise on quality.

What more is that the objects created using Multi-Jet Fusion PA12, are suited against abrasion and scratches. Therefore, it is an excellent material for testing purposes as well. The material is lightweight, it is weather stable, U.V. stabilized. In short, is the perfect choice for prototypes that are to be tested outdoors.

Prototyping Resin

The material is the perfect choice for creating detailed and through prototypes. However, do bear in mind that it does not have the ability to create functional prototypes. The material ensures a smooth surface finish and a complete look.

The object that is created using this material is similar to the one created using the plastic injection molding technique. To create prototypes using this material, a 3D prototype manufacturer would use the stereolithography process.


Numerous manufacturers rely on the Fused Deposition modeling technique for the creation of prototypes.

NOTE: The option won’t provide you with a detailed prototype.

If you have an oversize project, it can be a good choice. However, we still recommend checking with your manufacturer before the final decision.


If you are searching for something extremely flexible while being robust, TPU is the solution. The rubber-like material is an excellent choice for creating fully functional, flexible, and sturdy prototypes.

The material would create prototypes that can resist fatigue and stress to a great extent.

3D Prototype Manufacturer factory

3D Prototype Manufacturer: Why US?

At Kaito Mould, we have highly skilled designers and engineers who would create high-quality, accurate, robust, and strong prototypes in no time. In addition to creating prototypes, we would provide you with complete assistance at every step, starting from idea analysis to final production.

To reach out to us today, Click Here.
