


27 de febrero de 2020 hqt

El acero inoxidable ofrece muchos beneficios, desde un acabado atractivo hasta una alta resistencia y durabilidad. Pero esos tienen un costo para la máquina y su operador. El acero puede ser un oponente formidable debido a su fuerza y ​​durabilidad, pero esas características son las que lo hacen tan útil en primer lugar. Entre las aleaciones, las velocidades y la selección de herramientas, muchos aspectos afectarán su producto final y el proceso mediante el cual lo crea.

El mecanizado de piezas de acero requiere un cierto nivel de preparación y comprensión de los materiales con los que está trabajando. A continuación se muestran algunos de nuestros consejos para mecanizar acero.


When machining stainless steel, you’ll have to take into consideration all of its characteristics. Remember that it is strong, even at high temperatures.

1. Endmills

The tools you use will have a major impact on your project and the damage it can cause to your machine. The ideal type of endmill varies by application, but be sure to stick with a high-speed steel or carbide-constructed tool. High-speed steels include tungsten and molybdenum. Cemented carbides are a good choice when you need higher feeds or speeds. Make sure the cutting tool is sharp and in good condition to keep a high quality of cut.

  • Roughing: An endmill with 4-5 flutes can offer sufficient roughing on steel. Remember that higher flutes make room for higher feed rates.
  • Ranurado:  para ranurar acero, tendrá que ser consciente del control de viruta y tener el cuidado suficiente para que sus herramientas no se mastican y su acabado no se arruine. Pruebe una fresa de cuatro ranuras, que permite que las virutas salgan del área de corte de manera más eficiente.
  • Acabado:  para acabar las piezas de acero, querrá una gran cantidad de flautas o una hélice alta de más de 40 grados.

2. Avances y velocidades

Ahora que ha seleccionado la herramienta correcta, debe asegurarse de que sus velocidades sean las adecuadas. Si bien se necesita un poco de ajuste fino, un buen punto de partida sería entre 100 y 300 pies de superficie por minuto (SFM) con cargas de viruta que varían según el tamaño de la herramienta.


El acero puede ser complicado de mecanizar, pero no es tan malo si está preparado y utiliza las herramientas y la configuración adecuadas. Asegúrese de tener en cuenta estos conceptos al mecanizar acero.

  • Mantenga el calor bajo: el  mecanizado de acero puede generar temperaturas muy altas, por lo que debe tomar precauciones para minimizar sus efectos. Asegúrese de utilizar un líquido de corte. Entre el endurecimiento por trabajo y la baja conductividad térmica, mantener el calor alejado del área de corte es importante para mantenerla en la mejor forma. Si permanece un calor excesivo aquí, es posible que vea distorsión y una reducción en la resistencia a la corrosión. Los fluidos de corte ayudan a proporcionar lubricación para eliminar las virutas, reducir el desgaste de las herramientas y enfriar la fresa. Los fluidos de corte comunes incluyen aceites minerales y aceites emulsionables. Asegúrese de tener suficiente para usar porque cualquier interrupción del refrigerante puede provocar fluctuaciones en la temperatura, que pueden afectar la vida útil de la herramienta.
  • Avoid work hardening: Many steels have high work hardening tendencies. Make sure your tools are sharp and try to keep it moving to avoid any lulls in the cutting process that would lead to a buildup of heat.
  • Control vibration: The strength of stainless steel and the speed it requires from the tool can cause extensive vibrations. Vibrations on your work surface can damage your finish while adding wear to your tool. You’ll need a robust, rigid tool capable of high-speed cuttings. Keep your workpiece firmly in place with clamps and minimize any tool overhang. You can also try using tools with a small nose radius.
  • Know your material: Every steel alloy is a little different. Know the properties of the one you’re using so you can better adjust your machine to address its characteristics. The addition of sulfur, for instance, can allow for higher feeds by affecting the hardening of chips and helping the tool edge stay consistent. Lead allows for higher speeds since it provides a lubricating property that keeps the heat down.


When machining steel, you’re not working with just one element. Steel is an alloy, comprised of carbon and iron, though other elements are often added to impart specific properties on the metals. This means that different types of steel are going to behave in different ways, and you have a lot of options. According to the World Steel Association, there are over 3,500 different grades of steel.

When machining steel, you're not working with just one element.

Alloys tend to have added strength from the inclusion of elements like nickel, chromium and copper. They may also improve its corrosion resistance, strength, ductility and ease of machining. Stainless steels use a larger amount of chromium to offer corrosion resistance. Some types of steel are even designed for easier machinability.

As for other metals, here is a breakdown of some of the more common options.

  • Aluminum: In terms of machining steel vs. aluminum, the primary benefit of aluminum is that it is much lighter than steel. Aluminum also allows for faster machining, but it lacks the hardness and strength that steel has.
  • Titanium: Titanium is one of the strongest metals out there, even in extreme or fluctuating temperatures. Plus, it has a low weight. The biggest trade-off is the cost of titanium, which is typically considerably higher than that of steel. Titanium is often chosen for sensitive applications like those in aerospace and defense.


Steel has a lot going for it in terms of strength and durability, but the biggest drawback is its weight. It typically is reserved for applications where weight isn’t much of a concern. This often includes structural components. Infrastructure like railways, buildings and roads commonly use steel. Other pieces like screws and bolts may also be made of steel. You can find it in industries like mining, shipbuilding and aerospace technology.

You may find stainless steel in even more places due to its attractive finish. It is versatile and common in furniture and appliances. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel also helps in these applications.


Boost Your Steel Machining Process.

Whatever the application, the proper approach can make all the difference in your steel machining process. If you adopt high-quality tools and efficient practices, steel doesn’t need to be a tough opponent. Make things easier for your machine operators and minimize expenses associated with quickly worn tools and ruined workpieces.

Contact the experts at Kaito Mould Works for more information on how you can improve your steel machining process today. With over 35 years of experience, we’ve got the knowledge and knowhow to bring your machining capabilities to the next level.

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