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가공 가이드

2020-02-27 본부

스테인리스 스틸은 매력적인 마감부터 고강도 및 내구성에 이르기까지 많은 이점을 제공합니다. 그러나 이는 기계와 작업자에게 비용이 듭니다. 강철은 강도와 ​​내구성으로 인해 강력한 상대가 될 수 있지만, 이러한 기능이 처음에는 그토록 유용합니다. 합금, 속도 및 도구 선택 사이에서 많은 측면이 최종 제품과 제품을 만드는 과정에 영향을 미칩니다.

강철 부품을 가공하려면 작업중인 재료에 대한 일정 수준의 준비와 이해가 필요합니다. 다음은 강철 가공을위한 몇 가지 팁입니다.


When machining stainless steel, you’ll have to take into consideration all of its characteristics. Remember that it is strong, even at high temperatures.

1. Endmills

The tools you use will have a major impact on your project and the damage it can cause to your machine. The ideal type of endmill varies by application, but be sure to stick with a high-speed steel or carbide-constructed tool. High-speed steels include tungsten and molybdenum. Cemented carbides are a good choice when you need higher feeds or speeds. Make sure the cutting tool is sharp and in good condition to keep a high quality of cut.

  • Roughing: An endmill with 4-5 flutes can offer sufficient roughing on steel. Remember that higher flutes make room for higher feed rates.
  • Slotting: To slot steel, you’ll have to be aware of chip control and take enough care so your tools aren’t chewed up and your finish isn’t ruined. Try a four-flute endmill, which allows for chips to leave the cutting area more efficiently.
  • Finishing: To finish steel parts, you’ll want a large number of flutes or high helix of over 40 degrees.

2. Feeds and Speeds

Now that you have the right tool selected, you need to ensure your speeds are appropriate. While it takes a little fine-tuning, a good starting point would be between 100 and 300 surface feet per minute (SFM) with chiploads ranging depending on the tool size.


Steel can be tricky to machine, but it’s not too bad if you are prepared and use the right settings and tools. Be sure to keep these concepts in mind as you machine steel.

  • Keep heat low: Steel machining can generate very high temperatures, so take precautions to minimize their effects. Be sure to use a cutting fluid. Between work hardening and low thermal conductivity, keeping heat away from the cutting area is important to keep it in top shape. If excessive heat remains here, you may see distortion and a reduction in corrosion resistance. Cutting fluids help provide lubrication to wash away any chips, lower the wear on your tools and cool the endmill down. Common cutting fluids include mineral oils and emulsifiable oils. Make sure that you have plenty to use because any interruption of the coolant can lead to fluctuations in temperature, which can affect tool life.
  • Avoid work hardening: Many steels have high work hardening tendencies. Make sure your tools are sharp and try to keep it moving to avoid any lulls in the cutting process that would lead to a buildup of heat.
  • Control vibration: The strength of stainless steel and the speed it requires from the tool can cause extensive vibrations. Vibrations on your work surface can damage your finish while adding wear to your tool. You’ll need a robust, rigid tool capable of high-speed cuttings. Keep your workpiece firmly in place with clamps and minimize any tool overhang. You can also try using tools with a small nose radius.
  • Know your material: Every steel alloy is a little different. Know the properties of the one you’re using so you can better adjust your machine to address its characteristics. The addition of sulfur, for instance, can allow for higher feeds by affecting the hardening of chips and helping the tool edge stay consistent. Lead allows for higher speeds since it provides a lubricating property that keeps the heat down.


강철을 가공 할 때 하나의 요소만으로 작업하는 것이 아닙니다. 강철은 탄소와 철로 구성된 합금이지만 금속에 특정 특성을 부여하기 위해 다른 원소가 종종 추가됩니다. 이것은 서로 다른 유형의 강철이 서로 다른 방식으로 작용할 것이며 많은 옵션이 있음을 의미합니다. 세계 철강 협회에 따르면 3,500 개 이상의 서로 다른 등급의 철강이 있습니다.

When machining steel, you're not working with just one element.

합금은 니켈, 크롬 및 구리와 같은 원소를 포함하여 강도를 높이는 경향이 있습니다. 또한 내식성, 강도, 연성 및 가공 용이성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 스테인리스 강은 내식성을 제공하기 위해 더 많은 양의 크롬을 사용합니다. 일부 유형의 강철은 더 쉽게 가공 할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

다른 금속의 경우 더 일반적인 옵션 중 일부에 대한 분석이 있습니다.

  • Aluminum: In terms of machining steel vs. aluminum, the primary benefit of aluminum is that it is much lighter than steel. Aluminum also allows for faster machining, but it lacks the hardness and strength that steel has.
  • Titanium: Titanium is one of the strongest metals out there, even in extreme or fluctuating temperatures. Plus, it has a low weight. The biggest trade-off is the cost of titanium, which is typically considerably higher than that of steel. Titanium is often chosen for sensitive applications like those in aerospace and defense.


Steel has a lot going for it in terms of strength and durability, but the biggest drawback is its weight. It typically is reserved for applications where weight isn’t much of a concern. This often includes structural components. Infrastructure like railways, buildings and roads commonly use steel. Other pieces like screws and bolts may also be made of steel. You can find it in industries like mining, shipbuilding and aerospace technology.

You may find stainless steel in even more places due to its attractive finish. It is versatile and common in furniture and appliances. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel also helps in these applications.


Boost Your Steel Machining Process.

Whatever the application, the proper approach can make all the difference in your steel machining process. If you adopt high-quality tools and efficient practices, steel doesn’t need to be a tough opponent. Make things easier for your machine operators and minimize expenses associated with quickly worn tools and ruined workpieces.

Contact the experts at Kaito Mould Works for more information on how you can improve your steel machining process today. With over 35 years of experience, we’ve got the knowledge and knowhow to bring your machining capabilities to the next level.

프로젝트에 대해 도움이 필요하면 0086-769-82821468로 하거나 sales@kaitomould.com으로 .
