
معدات صناعية

2020-02-27 هكت

يسر Kaito Mould Works أن تقدم ماكينات CNC دقيقة ، وبناء ماكينات مخصصة ، وهندسة عكسية ، وتصنيع خماسي المحاور وطحن ومجموعة من خدمات الماكينات الأخرى للشركات عبر مجموعة واسعة من الصناعات. مع أكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة في التصنيع ، يمكنك الوثوق بنا لتقديم نتائج متسقة لكل مشروع. سواء كانت شركتك ناشئة صغيرة أو مؤسسة متعددة الجنسيات في قائمة Fortune 500 ، فستختبر الجودة العالمية والخدمة والدعم التي كانت السمة المميزة لشركتنا منذ عام 1984.

صناعة الآلات الطبية الدقيقة

بصفتنا إحدى الشركات الرائدة في تصنيع الآلات الطبية في العالم ، يمكننا توفير الآلات الطبية الدقيقة للزرع ، والأجهزة الجراحية وغيرها من الأجهزة الطبية للتخصصات مثل جراحة العظام والقلب والأوعية الدموية وطب العيون. تشمل إمكانيات التصنيع لدينا مواد شائعة الاستخدام في تصنيع الأجهزة الطبية مثل التيتانيوم وكروم التنجستن والفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ وغيرها الكثير. نحن ندرك أهمية هذه الأجهزة في حياة المرضى. سواء كنا نقوم بإجراء تصنيع مخرطة CNC مخصصة لأجزاء المعدات الطبية أو أي خدمة تصنيع أخرى ، فإننا نولي اهتمامًا بكل التفاصيل لضمان أعلى جودة للمكون النهائي.

تصنيع المعدات الصيدلانية

Kaito Mould Works is one of the most respected pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers in the U.S. Our advanced custom machine building services enable us to produce high-quality machinery that meets the precise requirements of pharmaceutical production operations. Our services also include machining of components and parts, secondary services such as anodizing and electroplating, comprehensive mechanical assembly and hydraulic system plumbing. While other pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers can perform custom machine building, few can match our combination of experience, knowledge and customer commitment.


Energy is one of the fastest-evolving industries in the U.S. and around the world. Consequently, energy companies must continually focus on innovation just to keep pace. Our capabilities include responsive CNC machining services that are tailored to the unique manufacturing requirements of energy industry companies of all types and sizes. Whether you’re involved in the gas, oil or electric industry or renewable energy applications such as solar panel or wind turbine manufacturing, we can work with you to produce the custom parts and components you need for your equipment.

Food Processing Equipment Design & Manufacturing

Food processing equipment must be manufactured to the highest quality and sanitation standards. Our premium machining services for food processing applications include five-axis machining and milling that provides the pinpoint precision required when manufacturing parts and components for this highly specialized industry. The five-axis machining process also results in shorter lead times to help you maintain your tight production schedules. We have extensive experience working with commonly used food-processing industry materials such as aluminum, titanium, stainless steel and various steel alloys.

Government Machining Contracts

Kaito Mould Works has accumulated a solid portfolio of government machining contracts – we’ve entered into thousands of contracts with various government entities over the years. We understand the highly precise specifications and standards that apply when performing work for government and military operations. We’re proud of the machining services we’ve provided to numerous government agencies as well as the United States Army, Navy and Coast Guard.

Aerospace Parts & Equipment Manufacturing

تعتمد صناعة الطيران على الأجزاء شديدة التعقيد عند تصنيع الطائرات والمعدات ذات الصلة. تتكون خدماتنا من تصنيع مكونات الطيران حسب الطلب ، بما في ذلك معالجة التفريغ الكهربائي (EDM) نحن نقدم أيضًا أفضل تصنيع مخرطة CNC لأجزاء الطيران في الصناعة. يمكننا إنتاج أجزاء عالية الجودة تفي بمعايير الدقة والكفاءة والتكرار التي تعتبر ضرورية في تطبيقات تصنيع الطيران.

صناعة الإلكترونيات / أشباه الموصلات

Electronics industry manufacturing applications often require the use of small, irregularly shaped parts and components. We’re experts at the machining of electronics industry products such as semiconductors, housings, PCB, test fixtures, connectors, heat sinks and more. We can also perform milling of commonly used electronics materials including copper, aluminum and many others.

Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing

Telecommunications is another industry where changes seem to occur at the speed of light. Telecommunications industry manufacturers must be able to design and produce new parts and components as quickly as possible to maintain their competitive advantage. The Kaito Mould Works team includes experienced machinists, engineers, CNC operators and other capable professionals who understand the importance of high-precision turning and milling when helping our customers meet the demands of today’s fast-paced telecommunications manufacturing environments.

Packaging Machine Fabrication

The numerous types of packaging used for consumer goods and other products often require the manufacturing of custom machinery. With our fast, reliable custom machine-building services, we can produce the ideal packaging machine for your specific applications. Our expert engineers, designers and machinists will work with you to incorporate your packaging needs into a fully functioning design that will get the job done. We also have the production facilities to bring your packaging design concept to life as quickly as possible to meet the demands of your customer base.

General Manufacturing

Our facility in Dongguan, China can handle any type of conventional manufacturing application. Whether you need high-quality CNC machined parts, five-axis machining and milling to create complex or complex parts, reverse engineering to produce high-performance OEM replacement parts that are no longer available or difficult to find, or reliable welding and manufacturing services And we can deliver results that exceed your expectations.

Why Choose Kaito Mould Works for Your Machining Services?

Kaito Mould Works has a successful track record of delivering superior results for companies in every industry we serve. Our ongoing investment in facilities, equipment, technology and people ensures we will continue to provide innovative, responsive machining services to our customer base. By adhering to our core values of quality, integrity, teamwork, innovation, commitment, respect and compassion, we will remain one of the leading machining service providers for many years to come.

Contact Us to Learn More About Our Machining Services

Discover what makes Kaito Mould Works your best choice for high-quality machine services – regardless of the size or type of your company or your industry. اتصل بنا for more information today.

