
Hogar> Blog > Importancia del material, la maquinaria y el método para el fabricante de moldes para matrices de plástico

Importancia del material, la maquinaria y el método para el fabricante de moldes para matrices de plástico

2020-04-08 hqt

Fabricante de moldes de plástico para matrices: Las 5 M - Parte II

Ya hemos mencionado cómo las dos primeras “M”, Mold y Man, tienen un impacto en la productividad de un fabricante de moldes de plástico. Sin embargo, para sobresalir, el fabricante debe trabajar en todas las 5 M.

It is important to understand that the material poses great challenges. Their lot-to-lot differences are perhaps the biggest threat to repeatability. Therefore, the manufacturer should have the right skills and the desired expertise to tackle this issue efficiently.

The remaining two M’s Method and Machinery also hold great importance. Lack of attention to these aspects of the process will result in bigger challenges. Here, in this article, we are going to talk about the remaining three M’s and their importance.

Plastic Die Mould Manufacturer

Material: The Third M

The manufacturers need to pay close heed to the materials that are going to use. After all, the processing of the material plays a vital role in determining the quality of the end result.

Several variables have a positive or negative impact on the material. It is imperative to review them during the process development stages. In addition, the manufacturers can review them for continuous improvement.


Different materials possess a different set of properties. Smart manufacturers understand that they need to consider these properties in order to design and develop effective molding operations. Several properties are related to the parts dimensions and aesthetics sense.

Below, we have come up with important properties.


When choosing the material, the manufacturer needs to consider its shrinkage factor. Since every material has its own shrinkage rate, therefore the manufacturer should have knowledge regarding its shrinkage rate.


La temperatura juega un papel fundamental en la ecuación de moldeo. El fabricante debe centrarse en la temperatura tanto del barril como del molde. La falta de una temperatura adecuada puede ocasionar una serie de problemas que incluyen gasificación, quemaduras al final del llenado, deformaciones y ciclos largos.

Estética y Dimensiones

El fabricante de moldes para matrices de plástico comprende que existen diferentes variaciones. Las variaciones en los materiales de ingeniería disminuyen o benefician la eficiencia del proceso de producción de piezas.

Para encontrar las mejores soluciones de materiales, una buena idea es comunicarse con el fabricante del material. Utilice su conocimiento sobre los materiales para tomar una decisión más informada.

Derretir el flujo

Another important factor that requires consideration is the material viscosity. The material viscosity is imperative for improvement and development review.

For example, if manufacturers want to assure the swift movement of the flowfront, then they need to pair a heavily ribbed part with a material with love viscosity. This would prevent the overpack condition and enhances usability.


Material additives have the ability to solve problems. However, at the same time, they can cause problems. Thus, the manufacture needs to use it with care.  A good example of additives is the color mixing option.

Color mixing is inexpensive. Poor diffusion leads to scrap generation that results in fault parts because of color swirls. On the other hand, if you add lubricant to polypropylene, you might be able to prevent the parts from being stuck to molds that do not allow draft addition.

The best way to go about is to involve your material supplier. This will help you understand the material properties in a better way. Thus, you will be able to make the right decisions at the right time.


To ensure process consistency, as a manufacturer you need to focus on the drying aspect. Ensure that your dryers are capable to dry the material in adequate time. There should be no lack or wet areas left behind.

Use the moisture analysis to ensure 100% material drying. Thus would eliminate any further problems that a wet area might cause.


Before a manufacturer finalizes a material, he should focus on its characteristics. It is important to complete knowledge reading the material’s drawbacks and performance. For example, polypropylene is an excellent material. It does have problems, especially over deep or large ribs.

Likewise, nylon is another great choice, but its shrinking tendency is often a turn-off. The idea here is to select a material that matches the functionalities of the parts under production. Materials’ characteristics consideration would avoid numerous potential problems associated with materials. The right material would go a long way.

Machinery: The Forth M’s

Machinery and equipment have a direct impact on your molding standard. Therefore, to ensure high-quality molds, you need to have the latest equipment. In addition, you need to fully assess the capabilities of your machinery.

When you have full knowledge about your equipment potential, you would be able to avoid poor functioning production system. Following components directly affect a scrap’s facility, productivity and downtime.


To establish quality systems and to ensure high-level production, manufacturers use robotics. These robotic are extremely important for enhancing process efficiency and effectiveness.  Therefore, it is always a good idea to review potential fixes for robot improvement.

For instance, focus on updates, programing changes, code bugs, end of arm tooling among others. A timely review of these aspects will not only improve the process functionality, but it will also save the rework cost.


There is no denying the significance of machine capabilities in terms of the manufacturing system’s design.  In process consistency, screw design and press tonnage hold great importance. The manufacturers should assure that poorly functioning machines do not limit the production process.

Therefore, matching the mold and the material should be their top priority. In addition, manufacturers should further assess machine problems and process control using the process data.


Es importante revisar todas las fuentes de automatización. Si las preocupaciones por la calidad se repiten continuamente, los fabricantes de moldes para matrices de plástico pueden realizar mejoras mediante el desarrollo de la automatización. Para identificar fallas actuales y prevenir fallas, involucre a todos en el equipo de producción.

Permita que los ingenieros propongan soluciones eficaces y eficientes. Además, asegúrese de que su personal y operadores estén bien equipados para enfrentar cualquier desafío. Deben poder identificar y superar problemas en la ecuación de producción.

Para asegurar la eficiencia del equipo, debe realizar una rutina de mantenimiento preventivo. Puede enfrentarse a problemas graves debido a un tiempo de inactividad no programado. Tendrá un efecto adverso en la eficiencia de la producción.

La mejor manera de evitar un rendimiento deficiente es realizar eventos de mantenimiento programados. Con el tipo correcto de programa de mantenimiento preventivo en las áreas siguientes, puede mejorar la eficiencia general.

NOTA: Asegúrese de que cada área tenga su propio registro personal que mantenga un registro de los problemas y su tiempo de repetición.


Cuando tiene un sistema de inspección regular, puede evitar fallas en la prensa sin esfuerzo. A continuación, enumeramos algunas inspecciones importantes junto con su tiempo de repetición.

Bandas calefactoras

Tiempo de repetición: mensual

Asegúrese de que todas las bandas estén en perfectas condiciones de funcionamiento.


Tiempo de repetición: semanal

Verifique la integridad de los conectores. Además, busque condiciones inseguras.


Tiempo de repetición: bianual

You need to verify the condition by metering the barrel zone. In addition, measure shank and flights to determine the wear’s condition. Lastly, you should remove the screw to fully, inspect them.


Tiempo de repetición: semanal

You need to inspect hoses for blistering, rubbing and wearing signs.

Hydraulic Fluid

Repetition Time: Quarterly

Take the fluid sample and send it to a screener. This will help you evaluate viscosity break down and meta content.


To prevent hours of downtime, you should conduct a 10-minute inspection of every mold per shift. It is important to keep a record of these molds. Use this data to create robust and strong molds in the future.

Method: The Fifth M

Make sure that the machine is completely ready for the process set up sheet. A slightly variation in the set up sheet can lead to bigger issues in no time. To avoid this problem, combine a set up sheet with a process adjustment log.

Doing this will help identify a potential problem and it will also help prevent future issues. In addition, ensure that process deviation is off bound. Until, unless the process manager explicitly approves of it. Once you do any sort of process variation, you should instantly update the book.

Plastic Die Mould Manufacturers in China

Para llevar

Concentrating on the 5 M’s of the injection industry, the plastic die mould manufacturer can assure excellence. They will be able to maximize their productivity without compromising on their quality.

Companies like Katio Mould, primarily focus on the 5 M’s to offer the highest quality products and to meet the highest industry standards. They have experience and expertise to deliver amazing products.

Las 5 M de los fabricantes de moldes por inyección - Parte I

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