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¿Cuánto cuesta el mecanizado CNC de piezas de automóvil? (máquina cnc para automoción)

2020-10-27 hqt

¿Cuánto cuesta el mecanizado CNC de piezas de automóvil? (Máquina CNC para la industria automotriz)

Cnc Machining Car Parts

Fabricación de piezas de automóvil de mecanizado CNC de metal

Al fabricar Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC  mediante fresado, las máquinas CNC ayudarán a obtener piezas de alta calidad. Y reduce significativamente su costo. La fabricación de repuestos de metal en equipos innovadores le permite obtener piezas geométricamente perfectas. El fresado en máquinas CNC puede incluso reemplazar el rectificado de productos.

Working with metal using milling is becoming an indispensable element in many areas of human activity. Thus, metalworking using CNC machines allows us to fulfill orders for the advertising industry, in particular, the production of outdoor advertising. So, the production of spare parts, clichés or stamps, engraving on various surfaces come with a high level of image accuracy at high speed.

In the case of the manufacture of spare parts from metal, the batch size does not matter. Hence, automation can handle any number of parts with ease.

What is important for Cnc Machining Car Parts?

What is important – milling or turning Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC on CNC machines allows you to reduce the percentage of defective parts to a minimum. The positive point is that the equipment is capable of working day and night without fatigue and sickness.


The process of manufacturing Cnc Machining Car Parts

  1. Study of the parameters and features of the manufactured part.
  2. Selection of the appropriate tool and workpiece.
  3. Drawing up a program according to the customer’s drawing. Moreover, taking into account the processing features for a specific metal grade and the specifics of the part.
  4. Programming and writing the converted data to the medium of the machine.
  5. Fabricación de productos en modo automatizado. Del mismo modo, transmitimos comandos especiales a controladores electrónicos. El sistema de control, mediante sensores, monitorea la ejecución de cada comando desde el inicio hasta el final del proceso de fabricación.

Para escribir programas de control, primero cree un modelo 3D en un editor CAD, los siguientes programas CAD son populares:

  • AutoCAD
  • CorelDRAW
  • Rinoceronte 3D
  • SolidWorks, etc.

Luego impórtelo en un editor CAM, donde el control se programa. La máquina sin intervención humana realiza con precisión las siguientes tareas:


  • ajusta el número de revoluciones;
  • ajusta la cantidad de alimento;
  • Controla todos los parámetros para obtener la forma y el tamaño especificados de la pieza.

Gracias a ello, el proceso de fabricación de Piezas de Automóvil de Mecanizado Cnc pasa por:

  • baja intensidad laboral
  • alta productividad
  • máxima precisión y conformidad de las piezas acabadas con los requisitos sin defectos
  • repetibilidad óptima en la producción en masa de productos
  • bajo costo de piezas para producción a gran escala
  • excluyendo el error humano


Para la producción de piezas en CNC, los equipos importados con control numérico son muy comunes. Kaitom  tener todas las capacidades y capacidades necesarias para la implementación de pequeños pedidos y producción a gran escala. Además, nuestra plataforma de fabricación puede suministrar piezas metálicas de alta calidad al mejor precio. Y todo el proceso puede ser posible en el menor tiempo posible.

Cnc Machining Car Parts manufacturers


Utilizado para procesar:

  • superficies complejas;
  • matrices;
  • moldes
  • Piezas para la industria de la ingeniería.

Asimismo, puede realizar los siguientes tipos de trabajo:

  • milling
  • drilling
  • boring

Due to the accelerated movement of the working table in all directions, the processing of products occurs with high productivity. Suitable for milling workpieces made of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

Why cnc machining is so popular?

Recently, numerically controlled lathes have become widespread. Often, when the work profile changes or new products appear in the production process, it is necessary to change the programs for lathes. If your company does not have a specialist who can cope with such a task, we are pleased to offer you the services of our partners for the development of programs for CNC lathes.

Cnc Machining Car Parts suppliers

Fabricación Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC is very common everywhere. In addition, you can order this service from our company. New equipment periodically comes to production and labor methods are constantly improving. Even such a delicate matter as turning is increasingly moving towards automation.

At the moment, at enterprises whose functions include the manufacture of spare parts, machine tools with program control are widely famous. Innovative technologies can significantly save time and guarantee material processing accuracy and high quality.

A huge advantage of CNC machines is their reprogramming capability. Subsequently, it does not take much time and allows for custom-made spare parts.

Spare parts with a multi-stage or curved surface are more expedient to produce on CNC lathes. Such technologies make it possible to produce a large number of high quality spare parts in a short time.

Recently, there has been a tendency to introduce an end-to-end production process, which will fully automate all stages of parts manufacturing. With the use of CNC machine tools, metalworking is accelerated at least twice.

Manufacturing of spare parts according to drawings

As mentioned above, CNC machines can produce Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC even on an individual order, regardless of the amount of work. In order to order the manufacture of spare parts according to drawings, you must provide the company with a drawing of the required part.

Furthermore, a drawing in any production is the main document for accepting an order. The drawing should contain all the details of the order – the material, its physical characteristics and various specific nuances.

If it is necessary to produce an exclusive spare part, the part comes under testing to meet all the requirements stated in the order. In case of inaccuracies, the drawings are corrected and the production should be perfect.

The choice of production method depends on the:

  • type
  • size and
  • configuration of the part

The manufacture of spare parts requires compliance with all stages of production. So, the next step is to draw up a plan according to which the part requires development.

It should be in mind that it is more profitable to manufacture large quantities of Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC. When producing spare parts on CNC machines, you can count on the identity of all parts of any batch to each other.

What is the cost of Cnc Machining Car Parts?

The total cost and time of manufacturing parts to order using CNC machines come after taking into account the following costs:

  • material (brand, thickness, etc.) required for work;
  • Complexity and dimensions of the product, on which the creation of control programs and the adjustment of CNC machines depend;
  • The total number of product units in the order;
  • The need for additional finishing according to the specification (sanding, coating, polishing, etc.).

Milling in the automotive industry

The modern automotive industry uses the latest technologies and materials for Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC. Hence, it includes metals and alloys, ceramics, composites and plastics.

With increasing competition, the requirements for nodes and car parts are going high. An increasing proportion of car parts are developing using technologies that were previously available only to the aircraft and space industries.

For example, many parts of a car or truck have a complex volumetric shape. But at the same time they must be accurate. Moreover, they should have minimal errors and high quality surface treatment.

Various mechanical methods are used to process these parts and assemblies, including milling. Moreover, some parts cannot go with CNC machines without a milling operation.

Why Cnc Machining Car Parts for your car?

Generally, the heart of any car is its engine.  In addition, the performance, resource and reliability of the car depend on how accurately. And it also depends on with high quality the heart of the car.

For example, without milling, it is impossible to make such important parts of a machine engine as the head and cylinder block. It is easy and simple to make these parts by milling on a computer numerical control (CNC) machine.

Processing of materials by cutting, with some varieties of which you are familiar with (turning, drilling, milling, planning, etc.), is uneconomical. Because it carries by significant waste of materials in the form of chips. In addition, many modern materials with high hardness are difficult to cut. There are also limitations on machining accuracy.

The widespread use of Piezas de coche de mecanizado CNC has become possible due to the mass, serial and single-piece production. Subsequently, there are many reasons for this.


The main feature of C Cnc Machining Car Parts equipment is that information about a given law of motion of its controlled elements.

The use of CNC machines makes it possible to qualitatively change technological processes in mechanical engineering. Moreover, it improves the culture of production, reduce production areas, and eliminate the influence of subjective factors on product quality. In addition, it reduces production time, use a production strategy “just in time” and, as a result, achieve a large economic effect.

Si está buscando una empresa de mecanizado cnc profesional en China, podemos ayudarlo. Fabricamos materiales perfectos para piezas de automóvil.

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