
Rumah> Blog > Empat Langkah Sederhana Untuk Membuat Bagian Plastik Prototipe

Empat Langkah Sederhana Untuk Membuat Bagian Plastik Prototipe

2020-09-02 hqt

Langkah Efektif Untuk Memastikan Kualitas Bagian Plastik Prototipe

Ada beberapa prasyarat yang diperlukan agar komponen atau produk plastik dapat diluncurkan di pasar. Misalnya, fungsionalitas produk, estetika, dan banyak lagi. Anda mencapai semua ini dengan sedikit usaha, produsen  mengandalkan bagian plastik prototipe. Mereka mampu menyelesaikan hampir semua kesalahan sebelum memperkenalkan produk di pasar.

Prototyping is the best way to approach all quality control-related problems. It would make sure that the parts and components are of top-notch quality. With prototyping, it is possible to cut down the time to market.

For this purpose, we are going to talk about the simple steps of the injection molding technique and its impact on the plastic prototyping industry.

The Making of Prototype Plastic Parts

Prototype Plastic Parts suppliers

Injection Molding

Among the different prototyping processes, injection molding is the most prominent prototyping technique for plastic. It is effective for creating all types of plastic prototypes. This plastic prototype then acts as the basic guide for the manufacturer to follow during the mass production phase.

With prototyping, manufacturers are able to assure that their idea not only has validity, but it is also up to the mark. The product that they are launching has some usefulness in the market. Furthermore, they can take real-time feedback and make the desired changes in the product at a minimal cost.

They are able to identify almost all potential errors, thus reducing the risk of issues after you go to full-scale production. After all, an error identified after mass production would not only be time-consuming to correct, but it would also be extremely costly. This is something that the manufacturer tends to avoid at all costs.

The Use of 3D Imagery Software

In most cases the produsen  use 3D animation or imagery software to create the design. After they finalize the design on the computer, the next step is to replicate the same design using ABS plastic. For this purpose, they either use a 3D prototyping mold or a 3D printer.

NOTE: Manufacturers might not use the actual material required for the final product for prototyping. The main objective here is to give clients the feel and look of the product for better understanding.

Once, the manufacturer and client see the product prototype in person, they would be better able to make changes to it. They would know actually what things require to enhance and what needs to be eliminated. It is possible to expose the design flaws via prototyping.

Prototipe cetakan injeksi adalah langkah terbesar dalam proses kontrol produk. Ini memastikan bahwa produk sesuai dengan persyaratan dan juga mengawasi proses pembuatannya.

Buat Desain Produk Plastik

Membuat desain atau konsep adalah langkah pertama dalam pembuatan. Terlepas dari apa yang mereka produksi, apakah itu produk kemasan, perangkat elektronik, atau pakaian, Anda harus memiliki desain dasar. Langkah ini tidak berbeda dengan bagian plastik.

Saat Anda membuat desain untuk komponen plastik, Anda perlu memperhatikan fungsionalitas dan faktor kelayakannya. Sama pentingnya agar ide bisa dilakukan. Jika idenya tidak berguna di dunia nyata, itu hanya membuang-buang uang dan tenaga.

To ensure the success of your product, you can either reach out to professional experts for help, or you can rely on 3D prototyping techniques. Collaborating with the experts would be fruitful. Just make sure that you do not have any communication gap.

You should provide them with as much information as possible regarding your idea. There are different formats that you can use to create the digital file of your concept. For example, you can go with the stl file or the stp file. To create these files, you would be using different CAD software.

If you are looking for something easier to present your idea in an effective manner, try using animated videos or slide shows.

Prototype Plastic Parts Product Engineering

At this point, everyone has approved the product design. It has even cleared the functionality standards and everyone believes that idea is doable. It is time for the product engineers to step in. To create your plastic product, the engineers would search for the requirements of prototype plastic parts.

The prototype plastic parts manufacturers use steel tools for the prototyping purpose. Therefore, it is important to taper the material in order to ensure a seamless and smooth injection. For instance, you need to have the right thickness for the part’s wall. There should no be undercuts.

All this is important as it would prevent the steel halves to stick to one side of the tool, or cracking. Experienced manufacturers find the gates to which the plastic needs to injected. In addition, they would assess the plastic material within the gates.

They would even be able to adjust the wall thickness in order to ensure that correct and smooth flow of material into the entire gate. There will be no wastage in terms of overflowing. Manufacturers are well aware of the factors that can make the entire process go awry such as the trapped air. So, they would try their best to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Creation of the Mold for Plastic Parts

In the prototype plastic part manufacturing, the creation of the actual mold is the most vital process. Since the ideas and the concepts are fully engineered, it is time to step towards the creation of the actual mold. The injection mold technique uses plates to push a part of the mold, while there are water lines that responsible for the cooling process.

In the case of complex and complicated design, the engineers would require steel tools along with other pieces. Moreover, with technological advancement, there are other effective ways to create molds.

Prototype Plastic Parts manufacturers

Using Injection Molding Machines for Plastic Parts Prototyping

Setelah Anda membuat cetakan, langkah selanjutnya adalah menempatkan cetakan ke dalam mesin cetak injeksi . Mesin ini kemudian akan menggunakan cetakan untuk membuat prototipe. Prosesnya melibatkan injeksi plastik leleh sementara 2 bagian cetakan disatukan melalui penjepit melalui tekanan ekstrim.

Tekanan ini berbentuk hidrolik. Saat material memaksa masuk ke dalam cetakan, saluran air akan mendinginkannya. Sehingga, menghasilkan pemadatan yang cepat.
