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Produsen Bagian Cetakan Plastik: Perbedaan Antara Thermoforming dan Ekstrusi

2020-07-02 hqt

Produsen Bagian Cetakan Plastik: Cetakan Ekstrusi Vs Thermoforming

Produsen suku cadang cetakan plastik menawarkan keragaman dalam hal teknik pencetakan. Selain metode pencetakan populer seperti injeksi  dan rotasi. Ada dua teknik pencetakan yang lebih efektif yaitu Thermoforming dan Extrusion Moulding.

Kedua teknik ini menawarkan sejumlah manfaat. Mereka datang dengan kelebihan dan kekurangan. Meskipun, kedua teknik menawarkan untuk mencetak plastik, tetapi cara mereka melakukannya berbeda. Pada artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang perbedaan antara kedua teknik ini.

Plastic Molded Parts Manufacturer

Apa yang dikatakan Produsen Suku Cadang Mould Plastik tentang teknik ini?

Memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang kedua teknik ini akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dalam memilih metode pencetakan plastik untuk komponen plastik khusus Anda.

Cetakan Ekstrusi

Proses pencetakan ekstrusi mirip dengan pencetakan injeksi. Namun terdapat sedikit perbedaan, hal ini cenderung menghasilkan bentuk menerus yang panjang. Selain itu ekstrusi moulding tidak menggunakan cetakan, sebaliknya menggunakan cetakan.

To make the parts, the technique squeezes hot raw material via a custom die. To make it easier for you to understand, we can say that it is like squeezing play Doh via a shaped hole. Unlike other molding techniques that put resins into a mould, extrusion puts it directly into the die shape.

So, here the die instead of the mold determines the shape of the desired product.

The Step by Step Process

Langkah 1: Raw plastic material including powder, pellets, granules are put into a hopper, later the material is shifted into an extruder. It is a hot long cylindrical chamber. To move the material through the chamber, it uses a revolving screw.

There are some extruders more than one revolving screw.

Langkah 2:  Ada sekrup pemintal yang beroperasi, bahan mentah mengalir dari hopper ke sekrup pemintalan ini. Untuk pengoperasian sekrup pemintalan, menggunakan laras horizontal.

Langkah 3:  Karena setiap bahan memiliki sifat yang berbeda, maka pemanasan untuk setiap bahan baku berbeda. Persyaratan suhu bahan tertentu diperhitungkan. Untuk membentuk bentuk yang diinginkan, plastik cair dilewatkan melalui cetakan.

Ini adalah bukaan kecil yang ada di ujung ruang yang dipanaskan.

Langkah 4:  Untuk tujuan pendinginan, plastik yang diekstrusi dari cetakan ditempatkan ke sabuk konveyor. Produsen suku cadang cetakan plastik dapat menggunakan udara atau air untuk tujuan pendinginan.

The process is similar to that of the injection molding. However, instead of the mould, here you would be using a die.

Step 5: It is important to design the die for every individual plastic profile. This would ensure the smooth flow of plastic from the cylindrical profile to the extruder. Thus, taking the final shape.

To ensure that the end product offers integrity, consistency in the flow is imperative.

Extrusion Moulding Common Use

If you want the parts to have a cross-sectional profile, use the extrusion moulding technique. For instance, PVC piping, hoses, and the straws. There is no need for the parts to be round. However, it is vital for them to have the same shape along the part’s length.

Ketika Anda membandingkan biaya pencetakan ekstrusi dengan proses pencetakan lainnya, Anda akan menyadari bahwa itu hemat biaya. Terutama karena die dan mesinnya sederhana. Mereka tidak memiliki kompleksitas yang ada dalam cetakan dan mesin dari proses pencetakan lainnya.

Karena tidak memiliki kompleksitas, maka ia memiliki keterbatasan. Anda hanya dapat membuat sejumlah produk melalui teknik khusus ini.

Penggunaan Terbaik dari Pencetakan Ekstrusi

Anda dapat merancang dan membuat suku cadang yang sederhana dan memiliki profil penampang tetap. Misalnya, produk memiliki bentuk lingkaran dan persegi.

Produk Umum

  • Talang Plastik
  • Pipa PVC
  • Decking Plastik
  • Sedotan dan Selang


Thermoforming is an effective manufacturing process in which the sheet plastic – thermoplastic—is heated to forming temperature. The reason for doing so is to allow the sheet to form the specific shape in the mould.

It later is trimmed to create products. The great thing about thermoplastic sheets is that it comes in a wide range of materials, thickness, finishes, and colors.

To achieve the final product thermoforming does not reply to a certain type of process or a mould. On the contrary, it uses multiple molds along with the different processes to acquire the required shape. For 3D products, it is generally a single 3D mould.

Plastic Mould Parts Manufacturer uses aluminum for the creation of these 3D molds. Since the technique uses less pressure, therefore, it is possible to create parts or components at a lower rate.

Types of Thermoforming

There are two basic types of thermoforming: pressure forming and vacuum forming. Both techniques yield effective results, but there is a slight difference between the two.

Vacuum forming uses pressure and heat to draw the plastic into the respective shape. It first heats the sheet and then places it into the mould. To ensure that the plastic takes the final shape, it is manipulated using the vacuum.

Pressure forming, on the other hand, is similar to a vacuum. However, it has the additional benefit of pressure. With pressure, it is possible to achieve greater details and texture. Therefore, if you have to choose, between the two, pressure forming is the better choice.

Thermoforming Common Uses

Thermoforming, especially the tin-gauge is extremely popular for producing trays blisters, containers, disposable cups, clamshells, lids among other things. It is common among the food as we ass the general retail industry.

For something more sturdy and bigger, manufacturers go with the thick-gauge thermoforming. For instance, it is an effective technique for refrigerator liners, vehicle doors, utility vehicle beds, and dash panels.

Cost and Time of Production

The thermoforming may be an inexpensive plastic moulding technique; however, it does take time. On average, you would need around 8 weeks for the thermoform mold to be ready. After the mold is ready, production starts.

The manufacturing phase is faster. However, do bear in mind that the cost of the technique greatly depends upon the size of the part of the component. For instance, if you want to mold small size parts, it would cost you $20,000 a year.

Whereas, the same amount of parts with a bigger size would cost you $50,000 a year.

You can also check out our article on how to reduce cost per unit.

Plastic Molded Parts Manufacturer Offering the following benefits

Here are the benefits of both Thermoforming as well as the Extrusion molding technique.

Extrusion Molding Advantages

High speed, High Volume

The process is cost-efficient when you want to manufacturer a high number of parts or components. It can also produce parts quickly.

Low Cost

When you compare extrusion moulding to a number of other moulding techniques such as Rotational, you will find it affordable. What more is that it allows the facility to reuse the leftover material, reducing not only the waste outcome but also the cost.

The machinery is robust, it can operate continuously. The manufacturers can enjoy a 24 hours-a-day manufacturing period.


The products come with consistent cross-section; however, it offers considerable flexibility. You can enjoy a number of shapes, sizes, and textures with the extrusion moulding process.

Thermoforming Benefits


Thermoforming offers a number of benefits, design adaptability being on top. The technique offers the flexibility of incorporating all consumer design needs.

Fast Turn-Around Time

Of course, for full-on production, the mold does take some time. However, in the case of the prototype, it can deliver effective results within no time. It offers a fast turn around time.

Plastic Molded Parts Manufacturer in china

Material Optimization

With Thermoforming it is possible to optimize materials in order to ensure lower tooling costs as well as cost-effective manufacturing.

Moreover, the technique offers a number of other benefits. It results in a very aesthetically pleasing component or part. The plastic molded parts manufacturer offers paintable plastics, colored plastics, along with several other customization options.
