> 금형 약속

금형 약속

곰팡이는 비싸고 완전히 낯선 사람에게 곰팡이를 아웃소싱하는 것은 일종의 합의 없이는 약간 위협적 일 수 있습니다. 여기 Kaito Mould에서는 정직함을 믿고 양질의 작업으로 보상을받는다고 믿습니다.하지만 비즈니스에서 우리는 누구를 상대하든 최악의 시나리오에 대비해야합니다.

mold promise

아웃소싱 금형을 우리에게 맡기면 안심해야한다고 생각하므로 금형 약속을 만들었습니다.

1. 귀하는 설계, 도면, 모델, 노하우 등을 포함한 아웃소싱 금형과 관련된 지적 재산권의 단독 소유자입니다.

2. We will not copy the mold or communicate any document concerning the mold to a third party.

3. We will not loan or rent the mold to anyone else without prior notice.

4. We will inform you about any malfunction or wear which could affect the use of the out-sourcing mold.

5. We will not make any modification or repair work on the mold without the prior and written agreement of the customer.

6. At any time you can come to our factory to check the physical presence and condition of the mold.

7. We will first obtain your authorisation before making a change to the location of your mold.

8. At the end of the contract we will follow your instructions as to the relocation, storage or the scrap of the mold.

9. The mold is your exclusive property (subject to any agreed costs in making the mold having been paid).

10. We will ensure the mold against theft fire or other accidental damage, but not a consequential loss.

11. You have the right to take back all or part of the mold at any time, on simple written request, provided all outstanding invoices have been paid.

12. Should Kaito cease trading or appoint a receiver then the mold will be made available for your collection.

13. Should your company cease trading or appoint a receiver then the mold will be released upon settlement of all outstanding invoices.

14. Ownership of the items produced using the mold shall pass to you upon payment in full of the relevant invoice(s) relating to those goods.

15. We will only retain possession of the out-sourcing mold until all outstanding invoices have been settled in full.

프로젝트에 대해 도움이 필요하면 86-769-89813119하거나 sales@kaitomould.com으로
