


2020-03-07 hqt

1.金型鋼鋼は射出成形金型の品質を決定する要因であり、適切な鋼を選択することが最優先事項です。 鋼を選択するための基準は


②Price Steel can be used as well, not the more expensive the better; considering the cost factor of injection mold, the mold steel should use materials corresponding to the mold life to avoid unnecessary waste; the life of general P20 material is about 300,000 shots; 2738 material there is no problem to reach 500,000 shots, H13/2344 is usually more than 0.8-1 million shots, and can be selected according to the situation; ③Surface treatment The surface treatment of the mold is also very important. Nitriding can enhance the surface hardness of steel and effectively extend the mold life. Electroplating can effectively modify the mold steel. For some high-brightness and corrosion-resistant plastic parts, electroplating can be used to enhance and improve the performance of the steel.

2.構造設計成熟した射出成形金型構造は、製品の材料特性、収縮率、成形温度、弾性引張変形係数などを考慮するだけでなく、冷却水通路、金型の開閉速度も考慮します。 合理的な金型構造により、金型の寿命を効果的に延ばし、金型の円滑な生産を確保し、効率を向上させ、コストを削減できます。

3.金型製造労働者が何か良いことをしたい場合、彼は最初に彼の道具を研ぐ必要があります。 射出成形プロセスの配置は特に重要であり、合理的なプロセス配置は、生産リードタイムをスピードアップし、処理時間を短縮し、効果的にコストを節約することができます。 さらに重要なことに、正確で合理的な処理により、製造プロセス中の金型の安定性と寿命を確保できます。 いくつかの処理エラーは、より深刻なことにつながります。それは、金型を作り直さなければならないということです。 さらに、不十分な加工は金型の動きに影響を与え、金型の寿命を縮め、製造プロセス中に金型にひび割れや破損を引き起こす可能性があります。

4. Standard Parts The lowest bar is the one that determines the capacity of the bucket. Everyone understands this truth, but it is often not noticed when doing it. The mold is the same, although the standard parts are not directly involved in the molding, but control the operation of the entire mold. Good standard parts should be wear-resistant, hard enough, high precision, and not easy deformation. Different brands of standard parts are very expensive, so don’t blindly budget the mold prices, always believe that good cost good products.

5.スポッティング金型クランプは金型メーカーの経験に依存しています。簡単な作業のように見えますが、最も経験が必要です。 複雑な金型の主なものはこの努力です。 プレートモールドが最もシンプルで、フラクタル面はフラッシュブレイクがない限り基本的にOKです。 カーアクセサリーのカビだと大変面倒です。 フラクタル面は比較的不規則であるだけでなく、多くの場合、複数のスライダーとトップブロックが含まれています。 同時に、手触りでカビのトラブルを改善・防止できるので、総合的な作業です。

6.Polishing The polishing of the mold is the last step in the manufacture of the mold. Polishing is directly reflected on the plastic part, so this is the most face-to-face job. Polishing also helps and complements the mold movement, especially for demolding. Often some mold production is not smooth because the lighting is not in place, the resistance is too large, the demoulding is difficult, and even the white, the top crack and so on.

7.Mold Assembly Mold assembly is like assembling a machine. Every component and every screw can’t go wrong. Otherwise, the consequences will be quite serious. If it is light, it will lead to product defects, affecting production, and completely damage the mold and cause scrapping. Therefore, the assembly work must be very carefully. In the assembly process, especially pay attention to the cleaning of the mold, especially the water circuit and screw holes. Be sure to blow off the iron filings inside.

8.Hot runner or cold runner This actually has the least impact on the quality of the mold, because the hot runners are generally branded by customers, especially some large customers. Well-known foreign brands do very well in quality and after-sales service, so there is generally no problem in quality.

9.Cooling Anyone who has experience with injection molds knows how important cooling is to a mold. Due to the increase in prices and labor wages, it is unthinkable to reduce the profit from the one-second injection cycle time during the mass-production. However, when the production cycle time is accelerated, the temperature of the mold will rise. If it is not effectively controlled, the mold will be too hot to be formed, and even the mold deformation will be scrapped. Therefore, excellent waterway design is particularly important, including the arrangement density of waterways, diameters, links between each other, and so on.

10.Mold maintenance   Injection mold maintenance is mainly maintain and repair during the production process. The mold is like a car. If it is not used for a long time without maintenance, it may cause the mold to be scrapped. Therefore, every time the mold is used, it must be fully maintained, especially the rust prevention of the molded part and the rust prevention of the main moving parts. Because the mold has to connect cooling during the production process, it may fall into the mold during the installation or dis assembly process, so be sure to dry the mold and then apply a layer of oil protection.

