
ホーム>ブログ>ワイヤー放電加工とは? —EDMプロセスの概要

ワイヤー放電加工とは? —EDMプロセスの概要

2020-02-29 hqt

放電加工(EDM)は、電気火花を実装して金属形状を形成する製造プロセスです。 これらの火花のため、EDMは火花加工と呼ばれることもあります。 このプロセスでは、2つの電極間で電流放電またはスパークが発生すると、金属から目的の形状が切り取られます。 スパークが発生する場所では、金属に切り込みを入れて、目的の形状を作成し、金属シートから取り外します。

There are two main types of EDM — wire and sinker — and several other less common methods, but this article will be focusing on wire EDM. Wire EDM uses a wire as the tool electrode. The wire is wound between two spools and, when in motion, the active part of the wire continually switches — preventing the material from eroding from the wire itself.


During the EDM process, a metal part is placed into dielectric fluid, and a wire is fed through the submerged metal component. An electric current is sent through the part to create the sparks that will ultimately help form the desired shape of the component.

When the distance separating the electrodes narrows, it increases the intensity of the electric field, and thus increases the strength of the dielectric fluid. The current more easily passes between the two electrodes under these conditions, leading to the separation of the component from the metal sheet with each spark.

After the currents have passed through and the desired shape has been achieved, manufacturers will sometimes perform a process called “flushing,” using a dielectric liquid to help remove any leftover material or waste from the finished product.


The wire EDM machine, also known as a “cheese cutter,” offers several unique advantages, making it a popular choice for manufacturers across a range of different industries.

EDM Benefits

Wire EDM machines are able to carefully remove excess material without exerting a strong cutting force. The process is often automated, meaning it has less chance of causing damage to the workpiece itself. And because wire EDM machines can accommodate hard materials, there is no need for secondary, post-machining thermal treatments. As a result, there is little to no heat stress placed on the shaped part, and less chance that the surface of the part will become distorted.

EDM Applications

Wire EDM is most commonly used in mold and die manufacturing processes, particularly for extrusion dies and blanking punches. EDM can be used in everything from prototypes to full production runs, and is most often used to manufacture metal components and tools. The process is best suited for applications requiring low levels of residual stress.

EDM Industries



EDMには多くの独自の利点があり、さまざまな異なる部品やコンポーネントを製造するための機械加工プロセスになります。 まず、EDMの高精度により、非常に複雑な形状を作成できます。 また、硬い材料を処理できるということは、必要に応じてそれらの材料を許容誤差に近づけることができることを意味します。

EDMは高レベルの複雑さを処理できるため、このプロセスを使用して非常に小さく複雑な部品を作成できます。 また、工具と実際の成形部品が直接接触することがないため、正確でバリのない滑らかな表面仕上げを簡単に実現できます。

And, perhaps most importantly in some instances, parts manufactured through EDM are ready for use immediately upon completion of the EDM process.

Why Use EDM?

So, why use EDM?

  • EDM can work hard materials and alloys of increasing thickness without compromising the surface finish of the resulting product.
  • As a noncontact machining process, EDM can achieve high-quality finishes, thereby reducing the need for post-processing procedures and surface treatments, which are often necessary with other manufacturing processes.
  • Because EDM is a computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining process and uses automated software to program functions, the process produces accurate, predictable, and repeatable results during every production run.
  • ワイヤーEDMは、航空宇宙および医療機器業界でよくあるように、厳しい公差を必要とする小規模な生産工程にも対応できます。
  • ワイヤ放電加工は、利用可能な他のプロセスよりも費用効果と時間効率が高くなります。


ここKaitoMoldWorks、Inc。では、カスタム機械と精密部品を専門としています。 私たちのチームは、ワイヤーEDMのあらゆる側面で高い経験を積んでおり、さまざまな部品やコンポーネントでEDMサービスを実行する社内機能を備えています。


