
Shtëpi> Blog > Si i klasifikojnë furnizuesit e formimit injeksion plastikat e formimit?

Si i klasifikojnë furnizuesit e formimit injeksion plastikat e formimit?

2020-06-18 hqt

Cili është ndryshimi midis hedhjes së vdesit dhe formimit të injeksionit?

injection moulding suppliers

Përmbledhje dhe veçori

Forma e injeksionit është një nga metodat më të mira të furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve . Materiale të tilla si rrëshira sintetike e nxehtë dhe e shkrirë. Në mënyrë të ngjashme, dërguar në një myk. Dhe pastaj të ftohet për të kryer formimin e dëshiruar.

Si e përcaktojnë furnitorët e formimit injeksion formimin injeksion?

It is called “formim injeksioni“. Because it resembles the injection of liquid with a syringe. The process flow starts from “melting” the material. Then “flowing”, and “finishing”.

With injection molding, furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksioncan generate various shapes of parts in large quantities. Therefore, it is used in a wide range of products including daily necessities.

What is plastic?

Plastic is a synthetic resin. It comes mainly from petroleum.  It is a solid that is artificially shaped into a useful shape. Resin is the main material in it. However, rubber, paint, adhesives, etc. are excluded

When plastics were discovered in the 19th century. They became popular because of their ease of processing.
Metals have been used since BC. But it has been more than 100 years since plastics were put into practical use and spread. Compared to metal, it can be said that it is a new material. Recently acquired by furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve.

How do injection moulding suppliers Classify plastics?

Although there are various classification methods for plastics. They can be roughly divided into:

  1. thermoplastic resins
  2. and thermosetting resins.

custom plastic parts manufacturers

Thermosetting resin

A resin that has the property of undergoing a chemical reaction. And hardening when heated. It has the property that once it hardens. It will not become soft even if heat is applied.

Prandaj, është i përshtatshëm për përdorim në ambiente me temperaturë të lartë. Dhe në situatat kur kërkohet rezistencë ndaj nxehtësisë.
Për shembull, ekziston një tavëll plastik. E cila është bërë nga rrëshirë termosetting.
Shtë një imazh i ngjashëm me cookie-t. Kjo nuk e ndryshon formën kur vendoset në një kallëpe dhe piqet.


  • Karakteristikat e shkëlqyera të zvarritjes Cons
  • Nuk mund të ketë formë të komplikuar
  • Ciklet e derdhjes janë të gjata
  • Meqenëse ka rrjedhshmëri të mirë, shkakton lehtësisht burrs

The main furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksion janë:

  • rrëshirë fenolike
  • poliestër
  • Diall
  • Epoksi
  • melamine dhe ure

Fillimisht, produktet me rrëshirë termosetuese ishin rryma kryesore për formimin e plastikës. Por tani termoplastikat po bëhen rrjedha kryesore. Sidoqoftë, ka shumë gjëra që mund të jenë vetëm termosetting.

So, they will never disappear. Although it is a niche in the market. furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksionare pursuing the possibility of new thermosetting resins. Such as applications as a substitute for metals. As a manufacturer with strong thermosetting properties.

What properties injection moulding suppliers provide?

The design of resin injection molded parts has various characteristics. And roles for each part. Subsequently, the materials used also have advantages and disadvantages.

So, it is necessary to guide them well. It can be very tricky. But following a few simple rules can get you through the difficult design challenges.

For example, in injection molding, the following factors are generally problems when designing parts.

  1. Clip and snap fit
  2. Living hinge
  3. boss
  4. Characters on parts
  5. Two-color molding

injection moulding suppliers major industries

furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksionare an essential part of our lives. There is a great possibility that injection molding is involved in the devices you are reading here.

  • Telefonat inteligjentë
  • mobile phones
  • personal computers.

Many parts made by furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve are used in automobiles. As well as electric appliances. Such as:

  • TVs
  • washing machines
  • and printers.

“Injection molding” is used to make various objects. That you see and use. Such as:

  • DVDs
  • Blu-ray discs
  • handles for drivers and scissors
  • and controllers for video games.

Injection molding is the most used plastic molding

Plastics are now commonplace in our lives. It’s so obvious that when you use the product, you don’t even think that it’s made of plastic. The range of its use is wide-ranging. And it is used for most objects in our room.

furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksionuse it in everything from everyday appliances. Such as:

  • TVs
  • washing machines
  • Printers
  • mobile phones
  • plastic bottles of tea
  • shampoo containers
  • scissors handles and drivers.

Although plastics are like air. Do you know most of the plastic products are made by injection molding?

Recently, 3D printers have come to the spotlight. And the term mold is used in comparison with 3D printers. To put it more simply, it may be more accurate to say “injection molding and mold”.

Such injection molding is a frequently used entity. That is said to be the king of plastic molding.

Features of injection molding High quality and mass production

As mentioned above, injection molding is a plastic molding method used in the manufacture of all products.

However, the manufacturing method and features are known only to furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve. But the principle is extremely simple. To put it simply, it is a method of melting plastic at a high temperature of about 200 °C.  Pushing it into the mold and cooling it to solidify.

What kind of shapes injection moulding suppliers can make with injection molding?

complicated shapes can be made with high quality mold. The greatest merit is the good productivity. Due to the modern modern injection molding machines, plastic products can be produced at surprisingly fast speeds.

The impact of injection moulding suppliers method on molding products

Në varësi të llojit të produktit. Një produkt më i shpejtë mund të prodhohet me një shpejtësi prej një në disa sekonda. Mund të thuhet se është një metodë shumë efikase e formimit. Shtë një simbol i furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve .

Anasjelltas, nëse shuma e shitjeve mbi një shumë të caktuar nuk mund të pritet. Mund të thuhet se është një metodë formimi që është e vështirë për t'u përdorur. Për shkak se kostoja e prodhimit të mykut është e lartë.

 Le të shohim nga afër mekanizmin e formimit të injeksionit.


Si funksionon formimi i injeksionit Shiringat plastike ?

Injection molding is roughly divided into two parts. One is an injection device. That melts plastic raw materials and pours them into a mold. This injection device is simply a plastic syringe. The other part is a mold clamping device. That hardens the melted plastic and takes out the product.

This mold clamping device has a role of cooling the melted plastic. Injection molding is basically a molding method consisting of these two parts. Here, we will first introduce the mechanism of the injection device. Which is the part of the syringe.

Cili është ndryshimi midis hedhjes së vdesit dhe formimit të injeksionit?

furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksionhave several ways to process parts. Die casting and injection molding are the most suitable processing technologies for mass production of parts.


The two use molds to produce the parts. But they are similar and have distinct differences.

First of all, regarding die casting, die casting is a technology. That manufactures parts using molten metal. Mostly aluminum alloy using a mold.

Die casting uses metal molds to manufacture parts. But it belongs to the technology called “casting”. Because the material used is metal. Technology that cools products by applying high pressure.

On the other hand, injection molding is a technology. That melts plastic. And injects it into a mold at high speed. Then cools and solidifies it to produce a product.

plastic molded parts manufacturers

injection moulding suppliers conclusion
The major difference between these two processing methods is the material. One uses aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys to produce products. The other uses plastic resin to produce products.

Gjithashtu, temperatura në të cilën nxehet materiali është e ndryshme. Pothuajse nuk ka ndryshime të mëdha në forma. furnitorët e derdhjes me injeksion mund ta bëjnë atë  just by using different materials. Even when using a mold to manufacture products.

Ka edhe ndryshime në produktet e prodhuara. Makineritë e hedhjes së vdesit prodhojnë:

  • motorët e automobilave
  • Pajisje shtepiake,
  • dhe produkte të tjerë që duhet të bëhen prej metali.

Bestshtë më mirë të përdorni furnizuesit e formimit të injeksioneve technology in the right place.
