
Shtëpi> Blog > Cilat janë standardet e çertifikimit të furnizuesve të formimit plastik?

Cilat janë standardet e çertifikimit të furnizuesve të formimit plastik?

2020-05-30 hqt

4 faza vendimtare për një produkt përfundimtar të formuar me plastikë

Plastic moulding suppliers
Çfarë duhet të dini si furnitorë të formimit plastik?

Aktualisht, furnizuesit  dhe produktet e furnizuesit e derdhjes plastike janë të popullarizuar për shkak të:

  • formim një herë
  • madhësia e saktë
  • mund të futet
  • produktivitet i lartë
  • lehtë për t’u modernizuar
  • pas përpunimit

The characteristics of low volume are widely used in many fields. Such as:

  • automobilat
  • construction
  • household appliances
  • Food
  • medicine and so on.

Generally, the selection of plastic injection molds is critical to whether the plastic industry can receive good economic benefits. Therefore, it is necessary for furnizuesit to understand the basic requirements of mold materials. And choose the appropriate materials.

Different materials and furnizuesit need to be formed using appropriate methods. Similarly, many defects of plastic products are caused by improper molding. And cannot be compensated by material and product design.

Plastic moulding suppliers Overview

Plastic moulding suppliers in china
The first synthetic plastic, phenolic resin, appeared in the world in 1907, marking the introduction of the polymer era. Generally, Plastic materials are used in large quantities with unparalleled diversity and flexibility.

Generally  plastic is a representative of modern materials. And its advantages are as distinct as its disadvantages. However, with the advancement of science and technology, the performance of plastics is becoming easier to control.

In almost all industries, the application of plastics is becoming more and more extensive. Except for imitation glass and ceramics. The trend of replacing steel with plastic and wood with plastic also  reminds furnizuesit  of the status of plastic as a material.

There are so many types of plastics that this article cannot be counted one by one. But a comprehensive summary of basic materials and basic processes can also improve the  furnizuesit e derdhjes plastikecontrol over the manufacturability of the product.

Importance of furnizuesit e derdhjes plastikeresearch on moulding technology

This is one of the main reasons for our research on molding technology. Moreover, the quality of the molded product is closely related to the mold, process and equipment.

Through this article, we hope to help you understand the forming of plastic products from various levels. For example:

  • The important skills of mold design
  • The design principles of rapid injection molding;
  • Moreover, influence of the number of different cavities on injection molding
  • the type and function of the side core pulling mechanism
  • Subsequently,arrangement of thimble
  • how to estimate, set up, optimize and use various process parameters?
  • Similarly, maintenance of molds and injection machines and
  • how to control corrosion; selection of release agents, etc.

which can enable furnizuesit to better deal with the problems faced in actual molding. No longer is it impossible to get rid of the mechanical properties caused by the drying of the material. Or to choose an inappropriate number of cavities for the mold and fall into endless troubles.

 basic material-plastic design. Plastic moulding suppliers recommendations

Plastic is a low-cost, easy-to-form material. And was labeled with low-end, low-cost, etc. In the early days, plastic can also be made into the appearance of glass-like, metal-like, and ceramic-like products.

It can be said that the application in:

  • mobile phones
  • automobilat
  • home appliances and other industrial fields

has become more and more extensive. Simultaneously, furnizuesit e derdhjes plastikeare making great efforts  for it.

  Plastic moulding suppliers and manufacturers

 What are main characteristics of plastic materials ?

When furnizuesit use materials, the first should consider whether the performance of the materials meets the requirements, rather than starting from the perspective.

How to match the performance and aesthetics of the material to serve the product is the key for a successful design?

Moulds plastike janë një mjet i rëndësishëm në përpunimin dhe formimin e plastikës. Më pas, diversifikimi i llojeve të mykut është rritur shumë Për shkak të:

  • vështirësia e dizajnit të diplomimit për diplomat e mykut plastik,
  • kostoja dhe koha e dizajnit të diplomimit për format e plastikës janë rritur. T

Linja e shpëtimit të produkteve plastike: prodhim masiv i modelit-hapjes së mykut nga   furnizuesit e derdhjes plastike

Duktiliteti dhe plasticiteti i shkëlqyeshëm i plastikës bën të mundur hedhjen ose nxjerrjen e produkteve të formave të ndryshme. Të tilla si:

  1. filma
  2. Fibrat
  3. Pllaka
  4. Tuba
  5. Shishet
  6. Kutitë, etj.

Which have become an indispensable part of life today. Similarly, the manufacture of plastic products stems from the customer’s “demand”. Which in turn produces a “design concept.” After having the design concept, furnizuesit të derdhjes plastikedesign product. And then the mold designer designs and develops the mold.

From product development to mass production, there are four stages for furnizuesit e derdhjes plastike

  • Appearance
  • Combination
  • material and
  • process of the product

The product drawing is designed, and furnizuesit e derdhjes plastikeproduces the mold. Similarly, the mold designer receives the product drawing or sample and related Material.

Then submit the completed molds to the molding factory for trial molds and modification and testing. Furthermore, the molding engineer tests the molding conditions that can be successfully produced during the mold trial stage.

And feeds back the mold factory as a repair recommendation for the molding difficulties. After the repair is completed, try the mold again until the product quality meets the test trial specifications.

The production yield improves by a small amount of production and quality control inspection. And finally enters the mass production stage for plastic moulding supplier.

Plastic moulding suppliers Injection process is different for each industry

Për të marrë produkte plastike me cilësi të lartë, së pari duhet të kuptoni parimet dhe mekanizmat përkatës të procesit të formimit. Më pas, faktorët që ndikojnë në cilësinë e formimit të injeksionit mund të ndahen në tre artikuj kryesorë

  1. : vetitë materiale
  2. dizajni i mykut të produktit,
  3. dhe kushtet e formimit.

Për shembull: pjesët e automobilave janë bërë nga plastika me fibra të gjata për të arritur përmirësimin e peshës së lehtë të rezistencës strukturore. Produktet e derdhura me injeksion 3C janë përgjithësisht të zhvilluara dhe të pjekura. Dhe dizajni me shumë materiale është bërë një tregues i rëndësishëm për furnizuesit  për të tërhequr vëmendjen e konsumatorëve.

Shkalla e lartë e zëvendësimit të produkteve celularë rrit kërkesën për lente plastike. Prandaj, saktësia dhe qëndrueshmëria e prodhimit me shumë zgavra përcaktojnë kapacitetin dhe përfitimet e prodhimit.

What are certification standards of plastic moulding suppliers?

The certification standards for medical plastics are strict. Moreover, the dust-free environment production line basically equips. But the added value of the product is very high. In addition, although the accuracy requirements of civilian products are not high.

Among them, the first two are complementary. Because plastic raw materials have lower acquisition costs than metals, wood, ceramics, and other materials. Moreover, it mass-produces.

Various conveniences and low costs plastic moulding supplier want to continue to extend plastic products to all types of Product application. Moreover, different products require different material characteristics to meet their application requirements.

Summary  plastic moulding suppliers

Nevojat e larmishme të furnizuesit të derdhjes plastike përshpejtojnë  the research and development and innovation of plastic types.

Përveç kësaj, me evolucionin e teknologjisë dhe zhvillimin e teorive të shkencës materiale kanë kontribuar në përmirësimin e performancës së analizës së simulimit. Në mënyrë të ngjashme, analiza inxhinierike e ndihmuar nga kompjuteri dhe verifikimi i dizajnit gradualisht janë bërë hapa të nevojshëm.
